Max (Mad Max)

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Max Rockatansky is a member of the Main Force Patrol, officer number 4073, vehicle 508. He is married to Jessie and his son is Sprog. Max is good friends with Jim Goose.

During the events of Mad Max (1979) played by Mel Gibson

After the Nightrider evades the other Main Force Patrol officers, Max is sent by dispatch to assist. He drives directly at the Nightrider, and the Nightrider flinches and loses his confidence. Max then toys with the Nightrider until the Nightrider crashes into a construction zone and his car explodes. Before leaving early for work, Jessie signs to him that she is crazy about him. When he shows up at the Halls of Justice, Jim Goose and Underground Mechanic show Max the last of the V8 Pursuit Specials. He is told by Fifi that the Nightrider's friends are out to get him, but he just adds them to the list of people that want him dead. While driving to the scene of a disturbance in New Jerusalem, Max and Goose come across the wreckage of Lair's vehicle. While searching the area they come across Girl in Chevvy tied to a rope and Johnny the Boy, and they arrest Johnny the Boy. He goes to the hospital after Goose is set on fire and refuses to accept the body in the hospital bed is Goose. He then goes to Fifi and hands in his resignation, but is offered some time off to think it over. Max, Jessie and Sprog go to the country, stopping to buy a Dog from a Dog Seller on their way. They stop at a tire shop and Max stays with Grease Rat while Jessie takes Sprog to get ice cream in town. He jumps in the car when Jessie comes back and when Jessie finds Cundalini's hand attached by a chain to their car, they call Ziggy. They arrive at May Swaisey's property and Max stays to work on their vehicle while Jessie goes to the beach. He then goes towards the beach when Jessie tells him the bikers from the ice cream shop were chasing her in the woods. While running to help Jessie, Max watches as Toecutter and his gang run over Jessie and Sprog. Max returns to the Halls of Justice and takes the V8 Pursuit Special and finds out where Toecutter and his gang are by questioning Grease Rat. He finds Johnny the Boy, Mudguts, Starbuck, Clunk, and Diabando and drives straight towards them causing Johnny to lose control and crash his motorcycle. The others chase after Max and Max kills them when he drives at them on a bridge, causing them to crash. He falls into a trap and is shot by Bubba Zanetti in the leg. Bubba Zanetti runs over his arm but is then killed by Max who shoots him with his sawed off shotgun. Max chases after Toecutter and causes him to crash into a semi, killing him. As Max is driving he spots a cloud of black smoke and when he investigates it, he finds a wrecked truck and Johnny the Boy stealing the boots from a dead man. Max puts a handcuff around Johnny the Boy's ankle and then puts the other onto the wreckage of the truck. Max takes Johnny the Boy's lighter and sets a fire trap. He throws down a hacksaw towards Johnny the Boy and gives him a choice, die in the fire when the truck explodes or hack his ankle off. Max then drives away as the truck explodes.

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During the events of The Road Warrior (1981) played by Mel Gibson

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Near Mundi Mundi Look Out, Max and Dog are being chased by Wez and members of The Humungus' Gang. Max starts to run low on fuel and Dog goes to the back of the vehicle. As a member of Humungus' Gang fires a bolt at Max, Max hits the breaks and the bolt hits Wez in the arm. Max then rams the one vehicle causing it to crash into another vehicle being driven by a member of Humungus' Gang. He stops his vehicle and begins to collect fuel from the destroyed vehicle. Wez rides up and pulls the dart out of his arm, screams at Max and rides away. Max searches a semi with trailer attached and finds the driver dead and a music chime that plays Happy Birthday to You, which he keeps. As he is driving, Max comes across a gyrocopter parked in a clearing. He pulls over and sees a snake coiled on the gyrocopter. As Max grabs the snake, The Gyro Captain climbs out of a hiding spot and points a crossbow at Max. The Gyro Captain taunts Max about stealing his gas, and Max warns him the tanks on his vehicle are booby trapped. The Gyro Captain makes Max turn off the explosives trigger on the bottom of his vehicle, but is then attacked by Dog. Max pulls a knife on The Gyro Captain who makes a deal to spare his life in exchange for telling Max the location of a working oil refinery.

They drive to a hill near the refinery and park before climbing towards the top of the hill. As Max is using his binoculars to spy on The Refinery Settlers, he sees them being attacked by The Humungus' Gang, and sees Wez ride up and yell something to The Humungus. Max chains The Gyro Captain to a dead tree and continues to monitor the refinery. One evening, The Humungus and his Gang drive away from the refinery. In the morning, a group of vehicles leave the refinery and drive in different directions. They are quickly followed and overtaken by The Humungus' Gang. He watches the progress of one vehicle and sees it crash. He sees Victim being raped and Nathan being pulled out and shot with a crossbow bolt by Wez. Wez and Golden Youth leave and most of the other Gang follow. Max leaves and walks up to Grinning Mohawker and kills him by hitting him in the head with bolt cutters. He then goes to Nathan, who is still alive and makes an agreement with him to take Nathan back to the refinery in exchange for all of the fuel he can take.

Max drives to the refinery and Big Rebecca cries out when she sees him carrying Nathan. Zetta yells to Derek to have a stretcher ready and Big Rebecca starts blaming Pappagallo for Nathan's injuries and Curmudgeon says he warned them that Pappagallo's plan was madness. Pappagallo starts questioning Max and Quiet Man walks up and asks about Victim and Max tells him Victim is dead. Max mentions the deal he had with Nathan and Warrior Woman tells Pappagallo to give Max nothing and Curmudgeon calls Max a parasite. Timbo attends to Nathan, but he dies and Pappagallo tells Max he only had a contract with Nathan and so he will get nothing. As Max is being kicked out of the refinery, his vehicle is rolled inside and Mechanic comments on it being the last of the V8's and shows Max the trigger mechanism he managed to take off. Dog runs out of the vehicle and starts chewing at Mechanic. A lookout yells The Humungus is coming back and everyone scrambles to secure the refinery and Max is handcuffed to a pole by Warrior Woman. The Toadie introduces The Humungus who chastises The Refinery Settlers for attempting a puny plan. Defiant Victim yells to give Humungus nothing and Wez runs up and headbutts him. The Feral Kid throws his metal boomerang at Wez, who ducks it and when The Feral Kid throws it again, it hits Golden Youth in the head, killing him. Wez throws the boomerang back at The Feral Kid and misses him and when it is returning, The Toadie tries to catch it and has his fingers cut off. After his Gang laughs at The Toadie, Humungus tells them to be quiet and says he has an offer for The Refinery Settlers. Wez demands they go in and kill them, but The Humungus chokes him unconscious. The Humungus has Bearclaw Mohawk take Wez away and then makes his offer. He tells The Refinery Settlers if they leave everything, he will give them safe passage out of the wasteland, and they have one day to decide.

After The Humungus leaves, Quiet Man shoots an arrow and yells they will never walk away. Big Rebecca wants to accept The Humungus' offer, while Warrior Woman and Zetta don't. Curmudgeon offers to speak with The Humungus and Pappagallo thinks their sacrifices would be for nothing if they walked away. The Feral Kid shows Max his boomerang and Max gives The Feral Kid the music chime he found. Warrior Woman says she is staying, while the majority of the others throw down their weapons and The Captain's Girl says they get weaker while Humungus gets stronger. Max whistles and tells them he knows where a semi is that can haul the fuel tanker. Max has a meeting with Pappagallo and the other leaders of The Refinery Settlers and makes them an offer, he gets the semi and they give him back his vehicle and all of the fuel he can take and Papagallo agrees to the deal. Max is given some diesel and he and Dog start to walk back towards the semi he saw. He falls into a trench and as Bearclaw Mohawk starts to walk to where Max is hiding, The Feral Kid starts howling like a dog and Bearclaw Mohawk eventually walks away after throwing a rock towards the howling. Max walks to where he left The Gyro Captain and finds him gone. He eventually finds him dragging the log he was chained to. Max then forces The Gyro Captain to carry the diesel jugs. They go to where the gyrocopter is and find a dead member of The Humungus' Gang bitten by The Gyro Captain's snake. They fly in the gyrocopter to the semi and Max leaves after giving The Gyro Captain the key to his handcuffs.

The Humungus shoots at the semi's engine, which brushes a tent over, exposing Tent Lovers. Wez, who had jumped onto the semi, attacks Max while a member of The Humungus' Gang starts to shoot out the semi tires. The Gyro Captain throws his dead snake on the Gang member who shoots the driver in the back. The Refinery Settlers briefly open the gates and Max makes it in along with two of The Humungus' Gang's vehicles before it is closed. Pappagallo is shot in the leg by a crossbow bolt and falls to the ground. Max runs to the flame thrower Pappagallo was manning and forces The Humungus' Gang back. Warrior Woman apologizes to Max for what she said before and Big Rebecca gives Max some shotgun shells she had saved. He tells her he is leaving and gives her the shells back. Pappagallo tries to get Max to drive the semi, and after Max refuses insults Max, who punches him. The Feral Kid tries to leave with Max, but Max shoos him away. Max drives away after The Gyro Captain tries to convince him to stay. Wez catches up to Max and causes him to crash by crushing his vehicle's windshield with an exhaust pipe. Dog is killed while defending Max and The Toadie and the member of The Humungus' Gang that killed Dog are blown up when Max's vehicle's booby trap explodes. The Gyro Captain picks up an injured Max. Max wakes up bandaged and next to a dead Quiet Man and walks outside as Pappagallo tells everyone the plan and where to rendezvous. He offers to drive the semi, and after initially refusing, Pappagallo agrees to it and hands Max a kerchief full of shotgun shells. The Feral Kid manages to sneak onto the semi, which also has Warrior Woman, Zetta and Mechanic riding on it. Max drives out of the refinery followed by Pappagallo in his own vehicle and The Gyro Captain in his gyrocopter.

A battle erupts between Max and those in the semi and The Humungus and his Gang. Zetta is killed when a grappling hook is thrown at him and pulls him and a piece of the trailer onto the ground. The Mechanic's legs catch fire when Bearclaw Mohawk shoots the bag of gas he is holding, and Mechanic drops it on his legs. Warrior Woman shoots Bearclaw Mohawk as he is trying to climb onto the rig, but is then shot by Wez with darts. Warrior Woman is pulled off the rig along with Mechanic, by a Gang member who is then killed when Max shoots the driver of the vehicle in the face with a shotgun round. This causes a chain reaction which kills multiple members of the Gang when the vehicle crashes and is then crushed by the semi. Max helps The Feral Kid into the cab of the semi and then shoots the Gang member that told Tent Lover to shoot the tire in the face and another Gang member in the crotch point black who had almost shot Max in the crotch with a bolt gun. Wez and Bearclaw Mohawk attack the semi cab and Defiant Victim and Broken Victim are killed when The Humungus runs into the rear of the rig. Pappagallo drives next to the semi and tells The Feral Kid to jump to him, but is killed by a trident thrown by The Humungus. Max tells The Feral Kid to get a shotgun shell that had fallen on the hood of the cab. As The Feral Kid is grabbing for the shell, Wez grabs towards him. Max manages to pull The Feral Kid into the cab shortly before The Humungus rams the semi, causing it to crash and killing him, Wez and Bearclaw Mohawk. An injured Max climbs out of the wreckage with The Feral Kid and The Gyro Captain drives up. Max stays behind, while The Gyro Captain and The Feral Kid leave.

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During the events of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) played by Mel Gibson

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Max is driving a vehicle pulled by camels when the Flying Jalopy, flown by Jedediah and Jedediah Jnr., flies overhead and then knocks Max off the wagon. Jedediah jumps onto the wagon, taking over the controls and driving it away from Max. As the wagon drives away, Monkey leaves a trail of items for Max to follow. He follows the trail of items and finds his cowboy boots and bosun's whistle. Max continues walking and eventually arrives at Bartertown. As he is following the group of people entering Bartertown, Waterseller offers to sell Max water, which Max refuses and uses a Geiger counter to show the water is radiated. Max is next in line behind Fur Trader who makes a deal with The Collector for a bunch of furs in exchange for grain or two hours with a woman. When it is Max's turn, he describes Jedediah, but The Collector isn't interested unless Max has something to trade. Max offers his skills and is derisively told the brothel is full and as he pulls out his shotgun, a group of Aunty's Guards start to approach Max and he shoots the horsehair crest off of one. Ironbar continues to approach Max, until Max threatens to kill The Collector. Max asks for one hour to find Jedediah and The Collector makes him a counteroffer, 24 hours to get back what was stolen from him in exchange for his life. Max agrees, but before he is let inside Bartertown, he is forced to leave his weapons with the Armorer.

As Max enters Bartertown, he sees his camels and wagon being sold at the House of Good Deals by Dr. Dealgood. Max is pushed forward by Aunty's Guards and brought before Aunty Entity. The Collector tells Aunty about Max wanting to make a deal and she has Ton Ton Tattoo play a sad song as she tells Max her story, that before the collapse, she was a nobody and then became someone, a survivor. She takes an apple and offers one to Max and while she thinks he is distracted, takes a loud bite from her apple. Max is attacked, but manages to fight off Ironbar, two of Aunty's Guards and The Collector. Aunty points a hand crossbow at Max and congratulates him on being the first to pass the test. She offers Max fuel, a vehicle and animals in exchange for Max killing a man. She then uses a periscope to show Max Underworld, and The Collector explains to Max how methane from pig feces is used to power Bartertown. He continues that Underworld is controlled by Master Blaster, The Master, who is a little person engineer and The Blaster, his giant enforcer. Max is told the easiest way to see Master Blaster up close is to take a job shoveling pig feces and is brought to Underworld. He sees Master Blaster holding Monkey by a string and starts to yell out to him and is stopped by Pigkiller. Pigkiller tells Max that he was given a life sentence to work in Underworld for killing a pig to feed his family, but people in Underworld usually only last three years. As Blackfinger is about to turn off the battery of a vehicle, Max stops him and tells Master that the car is his. Master orders him to remove the explosives and Max tries to make a deal. Blaster lifts Max up by the neck and Master tells him he is in charge of Bartertown. When Max disagrees, Master gets on the public address system and makes Aunty publicly declare that Master runs Bartertown in order to stop a power embargo. Blaster orders Max to disable the dynamite and as Max is disabling the booby trap, he notices that Blaster is susceptible to high pitch noises.

Max returns to Aunty and agrees to kill Master Blaster in Thunderdome. Later, Master Blaster is riding around in Bartertown on Max's vehicle and Max stands in front of him and yells the vehicle belongs to him. Master has Blaster grab Max by the throat and as he is about to kill Max, a group of Aunty's Guards point their rifles at Master and Ironbar orders Master to listen to the law. Master challenges Max to a fight in the Thunderdome and Aunty agrees to it. Dr. Dealgood explains to everyone why Thunderdome was created and then the rules to Thunderdome and the fight begins. Blaster at first is easily beating Max until Max uses his whistle to cause Blaster to drop his weapon and cover his ears. Max uses a large hammer and knocks Blaster's helmet off, revealing him to be mentally handicapped. Max yells out to Aunty that killing a mentally handicapped man wasn't part of the deal and Aunty has Ironbar kill Blaster. For breaking his deal, Max is forced to face the wheel. He is brought before it by Dr. Dealgood's Dolls and Max spins the wheel, which lands on gulag. Max is then brought out to the desert where he has a large mask placed on his head and he is placed backwards on a horse with his hands tied. Ironbar smacks the back of the horse and it walks out into the desert with a small container of water hanging from a pole in front of it.

The horse Max is riding on eventually collapses in the desert and is swallowed by quick sand. Monkey finds Max and they travel further out into the desert before collapsing from dehydration. Savannah Nix is walking in the desert when she finds Max and drags him on a sled to the Crack in the Earth. Savannah cuts Max's hair and he eventually wakes up. Slake tells Max that they are the waiting boys and they have been waiting for him. Savannah then tells Max the story of the Lost Children, who were in a plane with adults who fled when the bombs started to fall. The plane eventually crashed due to turbulence and the surviving children were told to wait by the adults who left with Captain Walker to get help. Max tells them that he isn't Captain Walker, but they insist he is and take him to a plane half buried in the sand. Tubba Tintye tells Max that they are ready to go, but Max just walks away. Later, Savannah bangs a gong and asks the others, who is with her to leave. Anna Goanna reminds Savannah that Max was almost dead when Savannah found him and Max tells them about Bartertown and that there is no Tommorow-morrow Land. Savannah continues to leave with some of the children and Max grabs Slake's staff, which is actually a rifle and shoots it towards Savannah, she throws her spear in between Max's legs and he walks up to her and knocks her unconscious.

In the morning, Anna wakes Max up and tells him that Savannah, Mr. Skyfish, Gekko, Scrooloose, Cusha...the pregnant girl, and Finn McCoo left in the middle of the night. Slake tells Max that Savannah and the others have been gone for half a night or less and Max prepares to go after them with Anna. Anna tells Slake and Mr. Scratch that they will need a Hunter and Tubba Tintye is nominated. Max, Anna and Tubba head out into the desert and Eddie runs up to them in order to join them. They eventually find Savannah and the others, who are being pulled into quicksand. They manage to save most of them, but Finn and Gekko are killed. Scrooloose sees lights ahead and Max tells them the lights are from Bartertown. They sneak into Underworld in order to rescue Master who is being guarded by Ironbar and a pair of Bodybuilders. Pigkiller sees Eddie and laughs and Ironbar sees Scrooloose, who is sitting above him, motioning to the others. Mr. Skyfish swings on a rope and saves Scrooloose and Monkey and manages to knock one of the Bodybuilders into the pig pen. Ironbar starts shooting at Max and the children and Pigkiller uses a shovel to knock the other Bodybuilder unconscious before using bolt cutters to free himself and Master. Master uses a grain chute to knock Ironbar unconscious and Blackfinger walks in, but quickly runs away when he sees Max and the children. Max runs after Blackfinger, but then runs away when Blackfinger returns with a large amount of Aunty's Guards. Pigkiller gets inside of a truck on train tracks and tells everyone to get inside. Max and the children get inside the truck and Pigkiller starts it and drives it away, causing parts of Underworld to collapse and explode.

Pigkiller continues to drive along the track and they are followed by a large convoy consisting of Aunty, Aunty's Guards, Ironbar, Fur Trader and Cowboy. Max shows Anna and Mr. Skyfish how to use the record and puts Gekko's record on the record player. Aunty and her group attack the truck and attached train cars and Max is pulled onto the vehicle driven by Cowboy and punches and throws Cowboy out of the vehicle. Scrooloose jumps onto a vehicle driven by one of Aunty's Guards and repeatedly hits him in the face with a frying pan. Ironbar shoots a harpoon into the truck, impaling Pigkiller in the leg and Max rams the vehicle with Ironbar in it, causing it to crash and leaving Ironbar stuck on the front of the truck. Aunty Entity, one of Aunty's Guards and Blackfinger jump onto the train cars and try to grab Master, who is saved by Savannah. Ironbar tries to grab Master and Max kicks him onto a train exhaust pipe. Ironbar motions for Fur Trader to help him until Fur Trader's motorcycle hits a concrete curb and he flies to his death. Mr. Skyfish uses a hacksaw to cut the pipe Ironbar is hanging from and the truck comes to a halt in front of a berm. Jedediah Jnr. tells them that it is a stick up, but runs away when he sees Aunty and her group driving towards them. Max and his group run after Jedediah Jnr. who runs to Jedediah. Max tells Jedediah it is his lucky day and his plane will save his life. Everyone gets into the Flying Jalopy, but as Jedediah is driving it forward, he tells Max that they are overloaded and there's not enough runway between them and Aunty's group. Max jumps out of the plane while Scrooloose drives up and gets into the plane. Max takes the vehicle Scrooloose drove in and drives it straight towards Aunty's group, killing Ironbar and many of Aunty's Guards. Blackfinger and one of Aunty's Guards points rifles at Max, but Aunty Entity spares Max's life and leaves him in the desert.

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During the events of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) played by Jacob Tomuri

Furiosa collapses in the desert in view of Max. He strips her of her gear and then Furiosa wakes up in the lair of the Corpse Minder.

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