The Snakeman
The Snakeman is a dream monster haunting Buddy's dreams.
During the events of Dreamscape (1984) played by Larry Cedar
Alex Gardner wakes up in Buddy's house with Buddy who tells him about The Snakeman. The Snakeman breaks into the house and they run by Buddy's Father, who doesn't offer to help them. The Snakeman kills Buddy's Father and Alex and Buddy run into an underground area. The Snakeman catches them and Alex grabs it while Buddy kills it with an axe. Later, Alex and Tommy Ray Glatman fight and during the fight, Tommy turns into The Snakeman. As Tommy has them trapped, Alex changes his appearance to look like Tommy Ray's Father, distracting him, and The President stabs a pipe through him, killing Tommy. While dreaming, Bob Blair has a dream that Alex turns into the The Snakeman and kills him in his sleep.