The Prospector

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The Prospector


The Prospector lives in a shack outside of Little Creek, New Mexico. He has a Dog.

During the events of The Return (1980) played by Vincent Schiavelli

Inside of a mine, The Prospector is digging in the wall of a cave. A spaceship lands and his Dog starts barking. The Prospector walks outside the cave and is hit with the same lights and gas as Wayne and Jennifer and he collapses. The spaceship then flies off again.

Twenty-five years later, The Prospector, who doesn’t appear to have aged any, sits on a hill looking around. The aliens communicate with The Prospector who asks them why they are doing what they are doing. Alan and Joyce hear a noise and Alan sees The Prospector leaning over a dead cow. The Prospector walks over and kills Alan by carving his face with a glowing weapon. Joyce sees The Prospector and runs away from him, but falls off a cliff and dies. After Walt shoots one of Jennifer's devices, Darren goes to look for more devices and is killed by The Prospector who then kills Walt. The next day, Eddie sees Jennifer and Wayne and starts shooting at them and Wayne fires back and Eddie falls off of his horse and lands in the belly of another dead cow. The Prospector walks up and kills Eddie. Niles Buchanan goes to check on the device Jennifer left near The Prospector's shack and he finds Walt's truck parked nearby. Niles goes into the cave that leads from The Prospector's shack and finds what appears to be a portal in the cave wall. The Prospector walks up and throws cow parts into the portal and Niles walks up to him and threatens to arrest him when he notices bits of Eddie The Prospector has in a box. The Prospector uses his light weapon to cut off Niles' arm and throws it through the portal before killing Niles. At the motel, The Prospector drives up in Niles' vehicle and attacks Wayne and Jennifer. The Motel Manager calls the police and The Prospector drives away with Jennifer. The Prospector carries an unconscious Jennifer inside of the cave and complains that he has been helping the aliens all theses years and is worried what will happen now that they have Jennifer and tells her she was chosen by the aliens. He tries to kill her with his glowing weapon, but it doesn't work against her. Wayne rides up to the shack and is attacked by the Dog, which he hits with a beer bottle and it runs away. He rides the motorcycle through the door leading to the cave and while The Prospector is distracted, Jennifer hits him in the face with the glowing weapon. She tells Wayne that the aliens didn't want The Prospector to kill anyone and The Prospector is sucked through the portal.