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Rachel Manus is a 25 year old medical student at Taft University in Chicago, Illinois. Rachel's Mother is Rachel's Mother. Rachel's Father committed suicide when she was 5 years old.

During the events of Flatliners (1990) played by Julia Roberts

Rachel interviews Housewife about her near death experience in which she describes looking down upon her body and seeing her husband crying. She continues that she started to float towards a light at the end of a tunnel and then a voice told her that it was going to take her baby, but she was going back. Near Death Patient tells Rachel that he was legally dead for over four minutes and didn't see a tunnel or a light. Terry interrupts Near Death Patient and starts telling Rachel about her near death experience. Edna-Ward Nurse asks Rachel why she always asks the patients about death.

While they are in class, Joe flirts with Rachel until Nelson pulls her away and asks her about helping out that evening. The Professor tells the class that their upcoming exam grades will be scaled. Rachel checks on Terminal Woman and tells her that she is doing much better. In the evening, Nelson, Rachel, Joe and Steckle come together to test an experiment on life after death. Nelson explains to Joe and Steckle the steps he wants them to take to make him brain dead and then bring him back to life. Joe starts to film as Nelson is given nitrous oxide by Rachel and shortly after, Labraccio walks into the room. They stop Nelson's heart and then Nelson is brought back to life and they celebrate the successful experiment.

Nelson tells them the experience was great and Rachel and Joe say they want to go next and Joe wins the bidding war due to the length he is willing to be brain dead. Joe then does the experiment next. Joe describes his experience to the others as erotic and the Waitress tells Steckle to watch his language when he cusses and tells them Elvis was in the diner the night before. Nelson challenges Labraccio to go next and Labraccio accepts after taking Rachel's spot. On Halloween, it is Labraccio's turn to die. Labraccio is brought back after some effort and Steckle thinks they should not do the experiment anymore. Nelson tells the others that he wants to go again and Rachel threatens to stop helping if she doesn't go next. Rachel tells Labraccio that she wants to do the experiment to see if people that have died have gone to a good place. Terminal Woman tells Rachel that the voices are telling her to let go and Rachel tells her that the voices are good.

Rachel goes through with the experiment and Labraccio runs into the room and tells them to bring Rachel back. Rachel's vision is of the day Rachel's Father returned from Vietnam. Rachel's vision continues to the day she walked into the bathroom and saw Rachel's Father doing something inside. Rachel's Mother grabs her and tells her she told her not to go in there and Rachel's Father runs out of the house. Rachel and Rachel's Mother run out of the house and Rachel's vision continues to her seeing her father dead from suicide in his truck. They manage to bring Rachel back and Labraccio tells the others about seeing Winnie Hicks, and Joe tells the others about seeing women from his past and Nelson tells them about Billy Mahoney. As Rachel is composing herself, she sees an image of Rachel's Father. Labraccio warns Rachel about seeing things from her past. Rachel goes to the university to talk with the Terminal Woman and finds out that she is dead. Nelson, Rachel and Labraccio have more visions of their past.

During class, the anatomy body on the table changes to resemble Rachel's Father and she runs out of class. Rachel tells Labraccio how Rachel's Father killed himself after she saw him doing drugs. Labraccio tells her that Rachel's Father wants her to let go. Rachel wakes up and goes into her bathroom and Labraccio tells her that he has to go pick up Joe and Steckle. Rachel is transported to her childhood home and walks towards the bathroom. She opens the door and this time Rachel's Father apologizes to her and they hug. Nelson calls Rachel and apologizes to her. Rachel goes to where they held their experiments and tells the others that it has been over nine minutes since Nelson flatlined. Nelson fails to come back no matter what Labraccio tries and everyone tells him that Nelson is dead. Nelson then regains conscious and tells Labraccio that today wasn't a good day to die.

Rachel Flatliners 2 - Edited.png