Major Devereaux

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Major Devereaux


Devereaux is a major in the British Army.

During the events of The Twilight Zone: Season 1 Episode 10 Judgement Night played by Leslie Bradley

In 1942, the S.S. Queen of Glasgow is floating through the Atlantic from Liverpool to New York. Carl Lanser sits down at a table and is introduced to Devereaux and Barbara Stanley. Barbara asks Lanser if he is heading home and he tells her, he is heading away from home. Jerry Potter asks what he does, but Lanser doesn't seem to remember. Captain Wilbur walks into the dining room and takes a seat at the table. He tells the others that the fog outside is very thick and there is no sign of the convoy. Devereaux worries about them being caught by the German Wolf Packs, but Lanser says the Wolf Packs should only target convoys. Jerry would rather be attacked by a battleship than something he cannot see and Lanser reassures him that they would see the submarine as it surfaced to attack them. Captain Wilbur tells Lanser that he sounds like a U-Boat commander and Lanser drops his coffee cup. Captain Wilbur starts asking everyone where they are from and Lanser says he is from Germany. Barbara asks him how long he was in England, and he excuses himself from the table. At 1:15, Lanser starts yelling that they must abandon ship. The ship is attacked by a U-Boat and all the personnel and passengers are killed.