Looney Tunes
Lonnie O'Toole is a scavenger and miner. He discovered the Wachachooga Motherload.
During the events of Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988) played by Rory Calhoun
Sam Hell orders a drink from the Frog Bartender, but spits it out when he tastes it. Looney Tunes comments that Hell could never hold his liquor and he and Hell hug. They catch up and Looney Tunes tells Hell that the Greeners are mining uranium in Frogtown. He tells Hell that if he wants to do trading, he will have to speak with Leroy. After Hell has been captured, an Unfortunate Frog Guard finds Looney Tunes sneaking around and Looney Tunes shoots him dead with a flare that also signals Centinella. Commander Toty and a group of his Frog Guards stop Hell, Spangle and The Passives as they are about to meet up with Centinella, and are helped by Looney Tunes. They make it out, but Looney Tunes is wounded. Toty follows them in a tank-like vehicle and Looney Tunes dies in the vehicle from his wound.