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Jerry "The Lone Ranger" Lambert is a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department in Los Angeles, California. He is a former member of the Rampart Division. Jerry has a lucky golf ball.

During the events of Predator 2 (1990) played by Bill Paxton

Jerry sees Harrigan walk into police headquarters and runs up to him and Harrigan tells him to wait outside. Jerry tries to talk with Harrigan again, but Harrigan tells him to wait. Jerry tries to flirt with Leona and she grabs him by the balls and warns her not to do anything stupid that could get her killed, like he got his last partner killed. Jerry goes into Harrigan's office and Harrigan tells him the team comes first and welcomes him to the war. Harrigan and his team arrive at Ramon Vega's penthouse and Jerry runs opposition to Pope. Before leaving, Harrigan tells Jerry to follow Keyes and his team to see where they go and tells Danny to get inside the room once Keyes' team leaves. Jerry meets with Harrigan later and tells him Columbian Girl was taken away in Keyes' helicopter. Later, Leona and Jerry tell Harrigan they have been monitoring Keyes and he isn't looking for drug dealers. Jerry tells him they lost Keyes and his team in the Slaughterhouse District and Harrigan tells Leona he wants her to set up a meeting with King Willie. After Harrigan and Jerry leave headquarters, a car pulls up and Sweet tells Harrigan, King Willie will see him now. After King Willie is killed, Harrigan calls Irene Edwards's office and Jerry tells him the background he dug up on Keyes and Irene tells him the Federal Team erased most of the files related to the case, except one from the penthouse attack which had blood with traces of cattle blood and steroids. Harrigan tells Jerry and Leona he will meet them at the Slaughterhouse District. As Jerry and Leona are riding the subway to the Slaughterhouse District, they see Subway Gang Leader and Subway Gang harassing commuters and start to head in their direction. The Subway Gang Leader starts to harass Commuter, who pulls out a gun. A Subway Gang member pulls out his own gun while another one grabs Commuter's gun. They hear a series of clicks and turn to see multiple commuters with guns pointed at the Subway Gang. As Leona and Jerry arrive and they try to diffuse the situation, The Predator rips into the subway car and starts attacking everyone who has a weapon. Jerry stays behind while Leona gets the people off the train. Commuter is shot and killed by another commuter. Jerry shoots at The Predator, but is killed.

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