Francoise is a resident of Los Angeles, California. She is married.
During the events of Schizoid (1980) played by Claude Duvernoy
Julie, Rosemary, Sally, Pat, and Francoise sit in a hot tub together. Julie tells Sally that they will all miss her and wishes her luck. Pat suggests Rosemary rent a hot tub for the groups therapy sessions with Pieter Fales. They congratulate Julie on getting a divorce and later leave Rosemary's house. During therapy, Gilbert tells the group how lonely he is and how angry he gets knowing others have somewhere else to go. Pieter asks Gilbert what he does when he gets angry and Gilbert says he either goes for long walks or drives. Francoise tells Gilbert, the group is there for him, but he says no one is there for him in the middle of the night. Barney tells Francoise having a significant other makes it easier to deal with the loneliness. Rosemary says Francoise would be better off without her husband and when Julie, objects, she reminds her they tore Francoise's husband up the session before. During the next therapy session only Gilbert, Francoise and Barney show up and Pieter asks where everyone else is.