Elisabeth Jekyll

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Elisabeth Jekyll


Elisabeth Jekyll is a resident of London, England. Her husband is Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde.

During the events of Edge of Sanity (1989) played by Glynis Barber

After his nightmare, Elisabeth asks Jekyll if he is alright and he tells her to go back to sleep before walking to his study. The next morning Elisabeth wakes Jekyll up and Bernadette tells Jekyll that Underwood is waiting for him in his office. Elisabeth mentions their upcoming trip to Vienna to meet with Vivian and Jekyll leaves to go back to his lab. At Egglestone's going away dinner, Elisabeth tells Egglestone she made Jekyll promise they will come and visit them. A member of the dinner comments on the murders in London and Mr Bollingham tells her there is no reason to worry. Another man at the table comments India is probably just like the Whitechapel district. Egglestone argues that the inhabitants of India don't realize that civilization can offer them a better life. Elisabeth mentions Reverend Fowler and Mrs Egglestone asks who Fowler is. Elisabeth tells her Fowler is the reverend at St. Michael's in Whitechapel and says how he has opened the church to the prostitutes. Jekyll tells the others that they would not know what to do if they were suddenly given absolute freedom and another member asks if she isn't already free. Jekyll then describes what he means by total freedom by taking the food of the first member and grabbing the arm of Mrs Egglestone. Jekyll shortly after leaves the dinner table. When they get home, Jekyll apologizes to Elisabeth for embarrassing her at dinner and she suggests he might be working too hard. At the church two prostitutes talk about the recent murders in front of Elisabeth. Liza tells a pregnant prostitute named Nelly that she should have gone to get a free abortion like she did. Nelly starts to miscarriage and Elisabeth takes her to the hospital where Jekyll works. The nurse tells Elisabeth, Jekyll isn't there and she doesn't know who Hyde is. Jekyll goes home and finds Elisabeth outside of his lab. She tells him about going to the hospital and not finding him there. She accuses him about lying about Hyde, but he tells her, Hyde really does exist. Bernadette tells Elisabeth that her friends are waiting. Elisabeth goes downstairs and Ann Underwood asks where Jekyll is and Elisabeth tells her, Jekyll is not coming. Elisabeth, Ann and Underwood then go to the opera together. Elisabeth goes home and Jekyll apologizes for everything and tells her he needs her and she forgives him. Elisabeth goes into Jekyll's lab and finds his scribbled notes and drawings of murdered women. Elisabeth tells Underwood of Jekyll's behavior and he tells her that Jekyll changed his will to provide any inheritance to Hyde. She goes to ask Newcomen for help, but leaves when she sees Jekyll's scarf that was found near the latest victim. Elisabeth goes to the church and asks if any of the prostitutes know about a Hyde and Liza tells her about Susannah. Elisabeth goes to Susannah's place of residence and finds Johnny hanging upside down, bloody, while Susannah smokes from the drug pipe. Jekyll walks up to Elisabeth and tells her to leave. Johnny attacks Elisabeth and Jekyll temporarily changes from his Hyde person back to Jekyll. Elisabeth gets away and goes home, but is then murdered by Jekyll.