Doug Allen

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Doug Allen


Doug Allen is a former U.S. Special Operations operator. His father is Sargeant Roger Allen and his sister is Russ Allen.

During the events of Lycan Colony (2006) played by Bill Finley

Doug and Russ drive into town and enter The Village Trestle. HumanZEV gives them menus and asks them what brings them into town. They tell him about Roger going missing while he was tracking something. Dr. Dan asks Russ and Doug if he can borrow their ketchup and notices Doug's Special Operations tattoo on the back of his neck. They start a conversation and Dan tells them that he knew Roger and they invite him and Dave (Daveed) to join them. They talk about Roger and Dan mentions remembering Roger receiving a watch when he retired. ZEV asks them if they want anything else and happens to drop Roger's watch. Doug and Russ grab ZEV and he runs away. Doug, Russ and Dan follow him into the kitchen where Grill Cook and Dishwasher stare at them and tell them they are not supposed to be in there.

They continue into the storage area where they corner ZEV. He rants about outsiders and tells them that the steaks were made from Roger. ZEV transforms into WolfZEV and attacks them before running away. Dan and Russ are okay, but Doug dies from a large throat wound.

Later, Russ hears someone say something about the runt of the litter and when she turns around, she sees Doug transformed into a werewolf. Russ and Doug then join forces but are ambushed by ZEV who uses Russ’ own rifle to shoot Dave, who just happened to jump in front of Russ. The bullet also ricochets back and hits ZEV. Russ puts a shock collar with an explosive onto ZEV and handcuffs him. Dave tells them to take ZEV to the redwoods and then disappears. ZEV manages to break his handcuffs and attacks Russ. Athena appears and uses a spell on ZEV, immobilizing him. She then licks Russ’ wounds, healing her. Athena and ZEV fight and Russ puts the shock collar on ZEV and shocks ZEV. Russ and the others drag ZEV into the red woods and ZEV is judged by past tribal members including Shaman. Shaman greets Athena and Russ and changes Doug back into his former human form. Shaman then judges ZEV and he is transformed into his human form. Doug then presses a button and the explosive on the shock collar kills ZEV. Russ and Doug walk through town. Athena feeds Boy and Russ and Doug sit down next Dave on a bench.