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Clubmembers are residents of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

During the events of Siege (1983) played by Barbara Jones, Patricia Vroom, Alan MacGillivray, Kevin Jollimore, John D'Arte, and Glen Wadman

May 29, 1981, Goose, Rosie, Clark, Lloyd, and Ian drive to a location and park the car. They get out and grab weapons from the trunk and walk down to a bar called The Crypt. They enter the bar and the Clubmembers and Bartender look at them warily. Goose walks up to the radio near the Bartender and turns off the music and then grabs the Bartender and calls him a disease. Clark calls the Clubmembers slurs and he and Rosie start grabbing at the female Clubmembers and when the Bartender tries to use the phone, Goose grabs it away and throws it. Goose calls the Bartender a slur and then demands a drink. As the Bartender is making Goose a drink, one of the Clubmembers tries to leave, but he is forcibly stopped by Lloyd who knocks him to the ground. Goose, Clark and Lloyd then start kicking and spitting on the Clubmember as Daniel tells them to leave him alone. Goose shows the Clubmembers his armband which has the letter N.O. and says they are members of the New Order and they better leave the area or else. The Bartender grabs a hidden gun and points it at Goose and tells them to leave. Lloyd hits the gun out of the Bartender's hand and Goose repeatedly slams the Bartender's head into the ground. The Bartender is thrown onto a table and as Goose tries to shove a crystal rod into the Bartender's rectal area, the Bartender falls off the table and onto a broken bottle, killing him.

When Goose and the others realize the Bartender is dead, the Clubmembers call Goose and the others murderers while Ian starts to panic. Ian thinks they should call Cabe and Clark agrees. Cabe drives to the club and when he enters the club, all the Clubmembers are zip tied with duct tape covering their mouths. Ian tells Cabe what happened, and Goose thinks they don't have to worry as no one will believe the word of the Clubmembers. Cabe tells the others to go outside and then pulls a gun out of a case he brought with him. Daniel grabs a pocketknife from his pocket and starts cutting the zip ties around his wrists. Cabe then starts systematically shooting the Clubmembers in the back of the head.