Alma Grace Harrison

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Alma Grace Harrison


Alma Grace Harrison is a resident of California. She is in a relationship with Tom Billings. Grace's first cousin is a lawyer.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 3 Episode 14 Discovery played by Anne Bloom

Tom is riding in a limo with Grace and Quist when Tom asks Quist how far they are from their meeting with John Bradford Horn. Tom mentions taking a long time to finalize a deal and worries that Horn might be upset. Quist tells Horn's 2 Man to pull the limo over and Quist orders Tom and Grace to get out of the limo. Quist pulls out a gun and Tom grabs Quist and tells Grace to run away. Quist shoots at Grace and he and Horn's 2 Man run after her. Grace, who is wounded from being shot by Quist sees an entrance to a cave and walks inside, sees Airwolf and walks towards it. She is brought to a FIRM base and Samantha scans Grace's hand and Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, Archangel walks into Grace's recovery room. Archangel questions Grace and she lies to him and says she was taking photographs and was shot by a motorcycle gang. Samantha walks into Grace's room with her clothes and Grace says she is tired. When Samantha leaves, Grace puts her clothes back on and escapes out of the building. She runs to the road and flags down an incoming vehicle and Stringfellow Hawke, who is the driver pulls over and lets her in. She lies to Hawke and tells him she was dumped on the side of the road when she refused to do things with a guy. Hawke pulls up with Grace at a hotel and lets her out. Horn's 2 Man pulls up next to Grace and Quist grabs her and pulls her into the limo.

She is brought to Horn's property and she tells him what happened. Horn asks Grace if she can find the cave where Airwolf was at and threatens her if she doesn't find it. Quist drives Grace back to the area near the cave entrance and Grace takes him to the cave, which is now empty. Quist threatens to shoot Grace, but then offers to help explain things to Horn. Quist tells Horn and Horn tells Grace she will have to make contact with Hawke to find out where Airwolf is. Grace is in the hotel pool when Quist walks towards her with a gun and Hawke sees her and Quist and warns Grace. Hawke shoots at Quist, but he escapes. Grace is brought back to the FIRM lair in the barn and Archangel questions her again and she lies again. Archangel tells her she must help them capture Horn and she agrees to it. Grace is dropped off and she gets picked up by Quist and then she and Quist switch vehicles when they drive into a tunnel. Grace tells Horn that Archangel wants her to betray him and he tells her he knows where they are going to hide Airwolf. At the harbor, Quist tells Grace to relax and she tells him if she survives, she is going to get a job at an assisted living center. Horn arrives in a helicopter with Horn's 3 Man and Horn's 4 Man and he walks over to Airwolf. Horn congratulates Grace and Quist and then motions to Horn's 3 Man who pulls out an uzi. As Horn's 3 Man is about to shoot Grace and Quist, the Zebra Squad arrive along with Hawke and the others. A firefight erupts and Quist is shot dead and Grace is shot by Horn's 3 Man. Hawke runs over to Grace and she tells him she is cold and dies.