Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
Max comes into conflict with Aunty Entity and helps a group of lost children on their journey back to civilization.
The Flying Jalopy
The People of Bartertown
Aunty's Guards - Ollie Hall, Lee Rice, Max Worrall, Susan Leonard, Robert Simper, Virginia Wark, Ray Turnball, Brian Ellison, Geeling, and Gerard Armstrong\
The Tribe Who Left
Cusha...the pregnant girl - Toni Allaylis
The Tribe Who Stayed
The Hunters - Gerry D'Angelo, Travis Latter, Miguel Lopez, and Paul Daniel
The Guardians - Tushka Hose, Emily Stocker and Sandie Lillingston
The Gatherers - Ben Chesterman, Liam Nikkinen, Dan Chesterman, Christopher Norton, Katharine Cullen, Heilan Robertson, Gabriel Dilworth, Hugh Sands, Rebekah Elmaloglou, Marion Sands, Shari Flood, Kate Tatar, Rachel Graham, Pega Williams, Emma Howard, Tarah Williams, Joanna McCarroll, Daniel Willits, Toby Messiter, and Tonya Wright
The Little Ones - Charlie Kenney, Amanda Nikkinen, Flynn Kenney, Luke Panic, William Manning, James Robertson, Adam McCreadie and Sally Morton
Character thumbnails with links to profiles
Detailed Synopsis
Max (Mad Max)|Max is driving a wagon pulled by camels when the Flying Jalopy, flown by Jedediah and Jedediah Jnr., flies overhead and then knocks Max off the wagon. Jedediah gives the controls to Jedidiah Jnr. and jumps onto the wagon, taking over the controls and driving it away from Max. As the wagon drives away, Monkey (Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome)|Monkey leaves a trail of items for Max to follow. He follows the trail of items and finds his cowboy boots and bosun's whistle. Max continues walking and eventually arrives at Bartertown. As he is following the group of people entering Bartertown, Waterseller offers to sell Max water, which Max refuses and uses a Geiger counter to show the water is radiated. Max is next in line behind Fur Trader who makes a deal with The Collector for a bunch of furs in exchange for grain or two hours with a woman. When it is Max's turn, he describes Jedediah, but The Collector isn't interested unless Max has something to trade. Max offers his skills and is derisively told the brothel is full and pulls out his shotgun, a group of Aunty's Guards start to approach Max and he shoots the horsehair crest off of one. Ironbar continues to approach Max, until Max threatens to kill The Collector.