Nicholas Angel

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Nicholas Angel


Nicholas "Nick" Angel, badge number 19628A, is a constable for the Metropolitan Police in London, England. He was born and went to school in London and graduated from Canterbury University in 1993 where he majored in politics and sociology. He graduated from Hendon College of Police Training and excelled in multiple training exercises. He received the Baton of Honor and graduated with distinction before joining the Metropolitan Police Service. Nicholas has taken courses in both advanced driving and advanced cycling. He currently holds the Metropolitan Police record for the 100 meter dash. He joined the SO19 armed response unit in 2001 and has received numerous commendations and currently has the highest arrest record in the Metropolitan Police. Nicholas has sustained three injuries while on duty, including being stabbed through the hand by a man dressed as Father Christmas. He recently broken up with Janine. He owns a prized Japanese Peace Lily. Nichols wanted to be Kermit the Frog during the summer of 1979. He has an uncle Derek, who was a corrupt police officer.

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During the events of Hot Fuzz (2007) played by Simon Pegg

Nicholas has a meeting with Met Sergeant who tells him he is being promoted to Sergeant and transferred to the town of Sandford, Gloucester. Nicholas requests not to be transferred and when he is denied, asks to speak to Met Police Inspector. Met Police Inspector asks how things are going for Nicholas and then tells him he is going to Sandford. Nicholas demands to go up the chain of command and speak with the Met Chief Inspector. The Met Chief Inspector walks in and tells Nicholas he has started to make all the other officers look bad and his exceptionalism might lose them their jobs. Nicholas then goes to a crime scene to speak with Janine. He goes up to "Not" Janine and tells him he is being transferred and "Not" Janine tells him he isn't Janine. Nicholas locates Janine and tells her he is being transferred. She tells him she already knew, because Bob told her and she tells him they were already apart due to his "marriage" to the police department. Nicholas tells her he knows she is already seeing someone else, and guesses it is Bob, but it turns out to be Dave. Before leaving, Nicholas points out to everyone that the window was broken from the inside. Inspector Frank Butterman calls Nicholas and tells him he will be moving into a cottage, and then calls back and says the cottage isn't ready yet.

He arrives in Sandford and walks into The Swan Hotel where he finds Bernard Cooper asleep in a chair and Joyce Cooper at the front desk working on a crossword puzzle. Nicholas helps Joyce with her crossword puzzle and then goes to his room. He gets bored and decides to take a walk to the pub. He walks by a group of teenagers in hoodies who look down when he passes them. He walks into the pub and passes by PC Danny Butterman who is ordering a drink from Mary Porter. He orders a cranberry juice from Roy Porter and then starts to read from the local newspaper. He looks over and sees a group of teenagers drinking and proceeds to kick out Underage Drinker 1, Underage Drinker 2, and Underage Drinker 3. Roy and Mary walk over and Roy asks what the problem is. Roy tells Nicholas it is for the greater good to allow the Underage Drinkers into the bar, versus out in town getting into trouble. Nicholas kicks all of the minors out of the bar, which significantly reduces Mary and Roy's patrons. While flipping a coin into the town fountain, he notices a plaque dedicated to members of the town, who are all on the town council. He turns around and sees Danny drunkenly trying to get into his car, which Danny suddenly reverses and almost slams into Nicholas. Nicholas pulls Danny from the vehicle and drags him along to the police station, picking up Underage Drinker 1 for public urination, among others. He walks up to Sergeant Turner and then processes the Underage Drinkers he picked up.

The next morning, Nicholas goes for a morning jog where he is greeted by Rev. Philip Shooter, Greg Prosser and Sheree Prosser, Dr. Robin Hatcher, Amanda Paver, the Butcher Brothers and finally Simon Skinner who tells Nicholas he should arrest him for being a slasher...of prices. He goes to the police station and asks Sergeant Turner about Danny, but Sergeant Turner complains nobody tells him anything. He goes to the cell where Danny was in and finds it empty, and then finds out Danny is also a police officer. Nicholas meets Frank and Frank congratulates him on his arrests, but tells Nicholas, Sandford is not like London and is the safest village in the country. He tells him about his predecessor, Sergeant Popwell, who apparently had a nervous breakdown on the job. Frank takes Nicholas on a tour of the police station and takes him to meet DS Andy Wainwright and DC Andy Cartwright. Nicholas is shown the swear box, where officers must put money if they curse on the job. Next, Nicholas is taken to the main office where he meets Sergeant Tony Fisher, PC Bob Walker and Saxon and PC Doris Thatcher. Finally, he is taken to meet Tom Weaver of the Neighborhood Watch Alliance. Tom Weaver shows Nicholas video feeds that are recorded from around Sandford and complains about the hoodie gang and The Living Statue. Nicholas finds out the office is eating cake as a punishment for Danny misplacing his helmet, and as punishment for Danny's drunken incident, will have to eat ice cream for a month. By the time the tour around the department ends it is lunch and they all go out to the pub. They ask Nicholas why he came to Sandford and give him a hard time and assume he came to try and tell them how to do their job. They ask him why he is wearing his stab proof vest and he tells them about when he was stabbed. Danny starts excitedly asking him about the kind of "action" he experienced and the Andys tell Nicholas everyone has a weapon in the country.

Danny continues to ask questions including if Nicholas has fired two guns into the air as they start their foot patrol. They go into Annette Roper's store as Amanda suggests over the Watch Alliance radio to look at Nicholas' butt. At the National Watch Alliance meeting, Tom introduces Nicholas to Amanda, Simon and Leslie Tiller, James Reaper and Rev. Shooter who invites Nicholas to read a homily, which Nicholas declines. Dr. Hatcher makes a joke and then meets Nicholas. During the meeting of the Watch, Joyce tells everyone that Janet Barker had twins and then Tom moves onto the business of The Living Statue. Tim Messenger introduces himself to Nicholas and writes an article about Nicholas, but misspells his last name as Angle. Nicholas opens his locker and finds it full of copies of the article with his name misspelled. As he is walking around the department, he is called Angle by the other police officers. Peter Ian Staker calls and reports The Swan has escaped and at first, Nicholas thinks it is a joke on him, but it turns out the call is real. Nicholas and Danny then try and catch The Swan, but fail. While sitting in their vehicle, Nicholas tells Danny there is always something going on if you just look closely. He points out Mr. Treacher, who is wearing a large jacket, Peter Cocker, who is walking with his hat down low and Michael Armstrong. They go to Somerfield market and Nicholas sees the Butcher Boys working behind the meat counter. Tina calls for Nicholas to come to the manager's office over the PA system and Simon complains about some of his customers shopping at the bigger store in the next town. Nicholas points to Simon's closed circuit television screens and Simon at first thinks he is referring to George Merchant, but he points out Peter Cocker, who is stealing. Nicholas confronts Peter, who runs away and Nicholas gives chase, Danny catches up with Nicholas and they take a shortcut over the garden fences. Nicholas finally catches him by throwing a hoodie gang member's spray paint bottle at Peter, which knocks him to the ground.

Nicholas brings Peter to the station, but Fisher tells him Simon doesn't want to press charges and Nicholas and Danny are placed on speed trap duty. Danny tells Nicholas he feels like he is missing out on all the action, like in the movies. A car speeds by and they pull over Martin Blower and Eve Draper. Martin tells Nicholas he was speeding due to being late for rehearsal for his homage play of Romeo and Juliet and gets flustered when Nicholas writes in his notepad everything he says. Nicholas then tells Danny his notepad is one of his most important pieces of equipment. As Nicholas and Danny are leaving, Sergeant Turner tells them Martin left them tickets to see Romeo and Juliet. Nicholas refuses the tickets due to ethics, but Frank insists he go with Danny. They watch as Martin and Eve do a loose adaption of Romeo and Juliet. Simon walks over to Nicholas and comments on how terrible the play was and Martin and Eve walk over and thank Nicholas for coming. Simon makes a comment about bashing Eve's head in and learning all sorts of secrets. George walks over to Martin and Eve and shoves Nicholas out of his way. As they are leaving, Martin apologizes to Nicholas and Danny for speeding.

Nicholas receives a call about an apparent car crash where Martin and Eve were decapitated. Nicholas and Danny arrive on scene and Nicholas recommends proper procedure to Tony who then relays it to Bob and Doris. Simon drives by and comments on the crash, already knowing the identity of the victims. Nicholas goes to the Andys and suggests they look into it, but they blow him off, even after he points out issues with how the accident looked like it happened. Frank tells Nicholas and Danny he wants them to take Bob and Saxon to investigate a call from Ellroy Farm where Arthur Webley has been cutting hedges that don't belong to him. They go to investigate and when Arthur, who is holding a shotgun, mumbles he only has a license for his shotgun, they find an entire barn full of weapons, including an old sea mine. They take the weapons and bring them to the evidence room after contacting Turner. Later, They celebrate finding the weapons cache by going to the pub. Nicholas sees the Andys and asks them if anything turned up on the crash, but they tell him nothing turned up. Danny asks Nicholas what made him want to be a police officer and Nicholas tells him how he always felt the sense of right and wrong and how he could apply it for the good of humankind. Danny shows Nicholas a trick of appearing to shove a fork into his eye, but really shoving it into a ketchup packet. Simon and George talk about the deaths of Martin and Eve and Simon comments on the drunken George, that he will be in bits tomorrow. Frank tells Nicholas someone needs to go home after George starts peeing on the floor and Nicholas and Danny carry George home. After dropping him at his house they walk away and go to Danny's house and drink some more and watch Point Break and Bad Boys II after Nicholas admits the reason he and Janine broke up was because all the important events he missed, like birthdays and her dad's funeral.

Danny and Nicholas get a call in the morning and arrive on the scene of George's property, which exploded. Simon drives by the scene of the crime and waves at Nicholas. The Andy's walk up and insult Nicholas and Danny and tell him accidents happen all the time. Nicholas is assigned to work during the Save the Church Roof festival and notices Simon focusing on Tim and Leslie as he yells to advertise splatting the rat. Frank tells Nicholas he can take a break and Danny takes him to the shooting gallery being run by Dr. Hatcher. Nicholas hits all of the targets and wins a Cuddly Monkey, which he gives to Danny. Tim runs up to Nicholas and tells him he has something to tell him later. Rev. Shooter calls Nicholas on to a stage to pick the raffle winners. Simon is the first winner, but he isn't present. Tim is the next winner as Rev. Shooter calls for him to come up and says his number is up. Nicholas runs off stage and arrives to see Tim impaled by a falling piece of the church. The rest of the people present run to the scene and Frank tells them it was just an accident. Nicholas tells Frank he thinks all of the deaths are linked and Frank orders everyone to work. Nicholas yells at Danny for wanting to go home and Danny runs away after reminding Nicholas that he doesn't know how to switch off. Nicholas finds the Cuddly Monkey in his room and starts to read through copies of the Sandford Citizen looking for clues. The next day Nicholas and Danny swap ideas on the case as Tony tells Nicholas he has a call from London. When Nicholas finds out it is Danny's birthday, he goes to Flowers by Leslie to buy him a Japanese Peace Lily. Nicholas notices that Leslie has a going out of business sale sign and she tells him she is moving. She says George had wanted to buy her land and sent Martin to make her an offer, because he knew where the new highway was going, but Tim told her how much her land was really worth so she sold it herself to people who want to build a shopping center on her land. As Nicholas goes to contact headquarters, he turns around and sees Leslie stabbed in the throat by hedge clippers. He gives chase after the person in the black robe, but they manage to get away. Nicholas goes to headquarters, but can't convince anyone else that anyone was murdered. Frank calls Nicholas into his office and Nicholas tells him he knows who the murder is.

The entire department goes to Somerfield market and Nicholas accuses Simon of being the murder, but Simon has an alibi and his store footage shows him to be at the store during the day. The following days, Nicholas is hazed by the other police officers. While getting some Cornettos, Nicholas hears Annette ask Danny about catching killers and has the idea that more people may be involved. They drive back to the station and Nicholas tells Frank he thinks that there is more than one killer and Frank tells him Sergeant Popwell had the same thoughts and suggests Nicholas sleep on his ideas. Nicholas arrives back at his room and is attacked by Michael dressed in the black robe. Nicholas knocks him unconscious with his Peace Lily and when he finds a radio on him, mimics Michael and tells Simon, Nicholas is dead, and Simon tells him to go to the castle. Nicholas tells Danny he is going to the castle and to call Frank. He runs to the castle and finds the NWA sitting around a circular table chanting. After the chanting, Joyce tells the others, Janet Barker has decided on calling her twins Roger and Martin. Tom tells the others that Nicholas has been killed and their next move is to eradicate the hoodie gang. Nicholas tells them they are all under arrest and Simon tells him everyone died in order for Sandford to win the Village of the Year Contest. Frank reveals himself to be a member of the group and tells Nicholas he decided on his path after his wife committed suicide after Sandford lost the Village of the Year Contest. Nicholas tells them all they are coming with him, but they pull out weapons and Michael and Danny appear at his side. Nicholas grabs a knife away from Michael and threatens to kill Danny before running away.

He falls into an underground crypt where he sees the remains of the gypsies that caused Sandford to lose the Village of the Year award according to Frank, everyone Nicholas had arrested since arriving in Sandford, including the Underage Drinkers, The Living Statue and Sergeant Popwell. He runs out of the crypt and appears to be stabbed by Danny who drives Nicholas to the edge of Sandford and it is revealed Danny used his ketchup packet trick to get Nicholas away. Nicholas asks Danny to help him take down the NWA, but Danny refuses to help. Nicholas takes Danny's car and drives towards London. He stops at a Heston Services and as the Heston Services Clerk asks him if he needs anything else, Nicholas turns and looks at the action DVD rack and buys some sunglasses and spray paint. He drives back to Sandford and punches James and kicks Mrs. Reaper in the face when they attack him, before tying them up. He goes back to the police station and takes the weapons from the evidence room and gets on a horse as Sergeant Turner tells other Sergeant Turner he didn't know the department had a mounted division. He rides up to the hoodie gang and gives them the spray paint canisters and they cover all the surveillance cameras with paint.

Nicholas rides to the center of Sandford and proceeds to arrest Annette, Mr. Treacher, Amanda, Greg and Sheree, Joyce and Bernard, Rev. Shooter, and Dr. Hatcher, after a large gunfight and with the help of Danny. As they are in a shootout with Roy and Mary, they are surrounded by Frank and the rest of the department in riot gear. Nicholas manages to convince the other officers that they have been manipulated and leaves Bob and Saxon to deal with the NWA members in town. He and the others go to Somerfield market and Nicholas fights Michael while the others continue down the aisles. Nicholas leaves Michael in a freezer and helps the others knock the Butcher Brothers unconscious with shopping carts. Tina charges at them with a box cutter and is knocked unconscious by Doris. Nicholas and Danny go after Simon who escapes with Frank. After avoiding The Swan, the vehicle crashes into the model village. As Nicholas drive away, they pass the Village of the Year judges who look on. Nicholas picks up The Swan as they pass it and puts it in their police car. Simon briefly takes Aaron A. Aaronson hostage, but Aaron manages to get away and Nicholas and Simon fight until Simon is impaled on the model village's church steeple. Frank takes Danny hostage and tries to escape in the police car after Danny fires into the air, but crashes when The Swan attacks him. The Swan is given back to Peter and Met Sergeant, Met Police Inspector and Met Chief Inspector try to get Nicholas to come back to London, but he tells them he likes Sandford and due to the events will have to do a lot of paperwork. As all the officers are doing paperwork, Tom walks up with a blunderbuss and shoots at Nicholas, but hits Danny who leaps in front of him. Nicholas throws a trash can at Tom and knocks him backwards into the evidence room and the station blows up when the sea mine explodes. Nicholas runs to Danny who is severely wounded and tells him it will be fine.

A year later, Nicholas walks up to a grave holding flowers and hands them to Danny who places them at his mother's grave. They get a call from Doris, and Nicholas, who has been promoted to Chief, and Danny, who has been promoted to Sergeant, go to investigate some hippies messing with recycling bins.

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