Dave (Daveed)

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Dave (Daveed)


Dave "Daveed" is an undercover agent in Canisborough, Pennsylvania. He became a lycanthrope of his own free will due to the love for a woman.

During the events of Lycan Colony (2006) played by Sean Burgoyne

Dr. Dan goes to take out the trash and is surprised by Dave, his AA sponsor, who tells him that he better show up for that night's AA meeting. At the Town Hall, Dan, Dave, AAmeeting drinkers, AA meeting woman, and AAmeeting gather for their AA meeting. The AA Speaker starts the meeting and during the meeting Dan tells Dave that he notices that no one in town seems to get sick or injured.

The AA Meeting ends and Dave invites Dan to get some coffee. Dan and Dave go to The Village Trestle and as they enter the bar, Zev's Bar patrons, Zev's bar patrons and HumanZEV turn and look at them. Dan and Dave then eat a steak. Doug Allen and Russ Allen enter The Village Trestle. Dan asks Russ and Doug if he can borrow their ketchup and notices Doug's Special Operations tattoo on the back of his neck. They start a conversation and Dan tells them that he knew Roger and they invite him and Dave to join them. They talk about Roger and Dan mentions remembering Roger receiving a watch when he retired. ZEV asks them if they want anything else and happens to drop Sargeant Roger Allen's watch. Doug and Russ grab ZEV and he runs away. Russ gets a flat tire and after she pulls over, Dave walks up to her. He tells her that he is a werewolf and helps her change the tire. Dave and Russ drive to Dan's house and Dave tells Sandy and Dan that Stewart's condition can't be reversed. Dave tells Dan to give Stewart water from the tap and explains that their water source has unusual amounts of silver in it, which allows them to control the locals' changes into werewolves. After drinking the water, Stewart starts to change back to normal. Dave tells Russ and Sandy about the history of Canisborough and that he knew Dan since they were kids.

He tells them that he was working undercover to investigate ZEV and his pack. He says that he needs to bring ZEV alive in front of his tribe in order for ZEV to be tried for his crimes. Dave shows Russ the amazing ability of lycanthropes to rejuvenate and then takes her to meet Athena. They find Athena feeding the Enchanted Hill Alpacas. Athena hugs Dave and then puts her tongue in Dave's ear in order to see what happened recently. She then tells Russ that she had quite a night and says ZEV has been a naughty boy. She apologizes for the death of Roger and Doug and tells Russ that the werewolves don’t have six nipples. Athena feeds Kali Drake the pig and tells Russ the history of their town.

In the beginning an ancient tribe led by Shaman settled where their town is now. They flourished and always gave back to nature what they took. One year there was a bad winter storm and a group of scouts including Shaman's Brother went out to search for more food. A few weeks passed until only Shaman’s Brother returned. Shaman nursed him back to health and he eventually told her of what happened. He and the other scouts had to hold up in a cave and went days without food. One of the scouts, who had been injured by a bear, died and the rest of the scouts ate his remains. Shaman’s Brother then killed and ate the rest of the scouts one by one. Shaman cast him out of the tribe and cast a curse on him which caused him to transform into the shape of many beasts and affected by the cycle of the moon. His affliction was called wendigo. In retaliation Shaman’s Brother attacked members of the tribe and inflicted them with the wendigo curse. Shaman noticed the members of the tribe afflicted with the curse were different from her brother and still lived with nature. She then cast a spell that if any members of her tribe left the confines of the tribal area, they would only live the length of one lunar cycle.

Athena says of most of the town are descendants of the original tribe, while some like Dave were transformed into werewolves by their own free will. Sandy helps Stewart onto his bed and Dave finds a pair of handcuffs in Stewart’s room and uses them to handcuff Stewart to the bed post. Dave then gives Stewart a sedative. Dave takes Russ to an area of the woods and shows her on a map how to get to the location where ZEVs pack is located. Dave starts meditating and transforming into a werewolf. In the woods, Russ and Doug are ambushed by ZEV who uses Russ’ own rifle to shoot Dave, who just happened to jump in front of Russ. The bullet also ricochets back and hits ZEV. Russ puts a shock collar with an explosive onto ZEV and handcuffs him. Dave tells them to take ZEV to the redwoods and then disappears. Later, Russ and Doug sit down next Dave on a bench.