The Stranger (The Godsend)

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The Stranger


The Stranger is an entity whose behavior mimics that of a cuckoo bird. She gives birth to hyper intelligent progeny and then leaves them with families to take care of.

During the events of The Godsend (1980) played by Angela Pleasence

Alan Marlowe, Kate Marlowe, Lucy, Davie, Sam, and Matthew are out on a country walk when The Stranger approaches Kate. When Alan makes it back to their house, he finds The Stranger sitting on his couch. Alan introduces himself and then goes into the kitchen. Alan and Kate ask The Stranger if she lives nearby and she tells them that she is with friends and she has many other children. She tells them that she goes south in the winter, where it's warm. As Alan is checking the windows and Kate is tucking the children into bed, The Stranger walks over to their telephone and pulls the cord out of the wall. As Alan is about to drive The Stranger to where she says her home is, she starts having contractions. Alan tries to call the doctor, but the phone is dead and Kate tells him to get Dr. Collins. Alan drives to get Dr. Collins while Kate helps The Stranger give birth. In the morning, Kate finds The Stranger has departed, but left the baby behind and wrapped in The Stranger's shawl. Years later, Alan is walking with Dr. Collins when he spots The Stranger, who is pregnant again, talking to a woman with two young children. Alan runs to warn the woman, but she and The Stranger disappear.

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