Leonid (AYAOTD)

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Leonid is a Featureless Alien. He is the father of Karin.

During the events of Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 2 Episode 4 The Tale of the Thirteenth Floor played by Chris Heyerdahl

Karin and Billy click on the elevator button as the roof shakes and when the door opens, Leonid is staring back at them. Leonid asks them if they are going down and tells them Gus was called away. He then introduces himself and says he is the new elevator operator. Karin starts to walk towards the elevator, but Billy tells Leonid that they will take the stairs. The next day, Karin and Billy push the elevator call button and ask Leonid to go to the thirteenth floor, but Leonid tells them the new tenants are fumigating the floor.

After Karin goes to The Toy Factory, Leonid walks out of the elevator and asks Olga if Karin will be ready, and Olga tells him Billy came with Karin. Leonid then says they don't have much time, and they must leave by six.

Later, Karin runs to the elevator and presses the call button. When the door opens Leonid is in the elevator. Karin uses the controller she used on Raymond, but Leonid tells her that they are not all robots. He tells her to join them to find happiness and her destiny, but Karin runs away when she sees Leonid's alien hands. Karin carries Billy to the exit of The Toy Factory but is stopped by Leonid. Leonid tries again to convince Karin to go with him, but she refuses to go with him and gets onto the elevator with Billy. Karin and Billy get back to their apartment and watch as the spaceship carrying Leonid and the other Featureless Aliens takes off.