Flynn (AYAOTD)

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Flynn is a ghost and a former taxicab driver. Forty years ago he gave a ride to Doctor Vink and was offered a large tip if he could answer a riddle. When Flynn couldn't answer it, he died after driving his cab into a tree and Doctor Vink stole his hand. Afterwards, Flynn was forced to give rides to those who also failed to answer Doctor Vink's riddles.

During the events of Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 1 Episode 1 The Tale of the Phantom Cab played by Brian Dooley

On a trail in the woods, Denny and Buzz see a flashlight beam coming towards them and Flynn walks up to them and introduces himself as a traveler, like them. Flynn then offers to lead them to someone who can help them. As they walk, Flynn asks them how good they are at solving riddles. They come to the cottage of Doctor Vink and Flynn warns them that before they ask Doctor Vink for help, to make sure they really need it as the price he charges is steep. Flynn then disappears.

Later, Denny and Buzz walk to a road and a taxicab pulls up next to them. They get in and tell the driver to take them into town. The driver adjusts the rearview mirror and they see it is Flynn driving the taxi. He tells them that he knows they couldn't answer the riddle and says that he gives rides to people who can't answer Doctor Vink's riddle, which he also failed to answer forty years ago after he gave a ride to Doctor Vink. He tells them that the shrubs they heard where the spirits of all those who failed to answer Doctor Vink's riddles and he was hoping Denny and Buzz could answer the riddle and free him and the other spirits from Doctor Vink's spell. Flynn tells them that they still have a chance if they can solve the riddle before he crashes the taxi into a tree. Denny guesses helium, but Buzz says you can't see helium and Buzz guesses the answer is a hole. Flynn drives the cab directly into a tree and suddenly Denny and Buzz are still alive in front of the same tree. Flynn is then freed from Doctor Vink's spell.