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Andy Carr is a paper delivery boy. His mother is Mrs. Carr and his sister is Christina. Andy's great uncle was Niles.

During the events of Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 1 Episode 11 The Tale of the Dark Music played by Graham Selkirk

Andy wasn’t doing so hot after his parents got divorced and Mrs. Carr wasn’t making much money. He tried to help her with his paper route, but things were pretty tough. Suddenly their luck seemed to change when Mrs. Carr inherited a big house from an uncle who passed away.

One day as Andy was doing his paper route, Koda, steps in front of him, causing Andy to crash his bike. Koda warns Andy that if Andy messes with him then Koda is going to punch him. Koda says everyone in the neighborhood was glad when Andy’s great uncle died and then Andy and his family had to show up. One evening while Mrs. Carr is trying to fix the vertical blinds; she asks Andy to go into the basement to look for a ladder. Andy is hesitant to go, and Christina taunts him about being afraid of the dark. Andy goes down into the basement and finds an old radio. When he plugs it in, there is no power to it until Mrs. Carr flips a switch from upstairs. Music starts to play, and Andy notices a sound coming from behind him, and the latch on a root cellar door seems to unlatch itself. Andy turns off the radio and the latch stops moving but moves again when he turns the radio back on. He turns it back off again and when he turns it back on the latch moves again and the door opens. Red eyes appear from the root cellar and Andy is greeted by the thing in the cellar. It asks Andy to join it and Andy runs away, knocking the radio down on accident.

Andy runs to get Mrs. Carr, and Mrs. Carr, Andy and Christina go into the basement and Mrs. Carr tells Christina to go back upstairs. Mrs. Carr opens the door to the cellar and shows Andy that it is just the root cellar. Andy insists there was something there and Mrs. Carr finds the now broken radio and thinks what Andy heard came from the radio. As Andy is doing his paper route, he throws a paper at the Koda house and the newspaper hits the soap bucket Koda was using, causing it to splash all over Koda’s face. Koda chases after Andy who hides in his basement. Andy locks the door, and Koda leaves when he can’t get it open. As Andy is walking in the basement, Christina scares him and calls Andy a wimp. In the evening Andy asks Mrs. Carr what uncle Niles was like. Mrs. Carr says that Niles never left the house, but somehow became filthy rich and one day they found his body in the basement. Mrs. Carr asks Christina to go into the basement and put the clothes in the laundry, but Christina says she is busy playing video games. Mrs. Carr then asks Andy to do it and Christina taunts Andy again. As Andy is doing the laundry he listens to music on his boombox. The latch once again raises on its own and the root cellar door opens. Doll walks out of the cellar and invites Andy to play with it. Andy appears mesmerized and Mrs. Carr calls for Andy from upstairs. As Andy is about to take the hand of Doll, Mrs. Carr shuts the switch off upstairs, causing the boombox to turn off. Since Andy was hypnotized, he didn’t remember anything that happened.

Sometime later, Andy comes home and finds a note from Mrs. Carr asking him to put some tarps in the washing machine. Andy goes into the basement to wash the tarps and again listens to his boombox while he washes the tarps. The music changes to strange carnival music and when Andy tries to change the station, only carnival music plays. The cellar door opens once more and inside the root cellar is a scene from a carnival. Carnival Barker invites Andy to play games and ride on the rides and Andy slowly starts to walk towards the root cellar. Carnival Barker’s hand grabs Andy and Carnival Barker turns into a skeleton. Andy runs to the boombox but is sucked towards the cellar door. Andy manages to grab the boombox and when he is pulled further towards the cellar, the boombox is unplugged from the socket and the cellar door closes. Andy figures out music causes the door to open and tests out his theory by turning his boombox off and on. He takes his bicycle and rides to tell Mrs. Carr about the cellar, but is confronted by Koda, who punches Andy in the face. Koda punches Andy again and then throws Andy’s bicycle in front of a gravel truck, which flattens Andy’s bicycle. Andy goes back home and comes up with a plan. He hooks up a large radio and speaker in the basement and then goes to Koda’s house and throws a newspaper at Koda. Koda runs after Andy who tricks Koda into going into the basement, which Andy then locks the door to. Andy taunts Koda and then turns the radio on. The cellar door opens and Koda screams. Andy turns off the music and goes into the basement. Koda has disappeared, but in his place is a brand-new bicycle. Andy turns on the radio and the cellar door opens again. A voice tells Andy that the bicycle is his to keep and it will continue to give Andy whatever he wants like it did for Niles as long as Andy continues to feed it people. Christina comes home and tells Andy that he has to make her dinner and it better be good, and Andy smiles. Afterwards, Andy made sure Christina didn’t bother him anymore.