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Dufresne is the accountant on The Walrus in the West Indies.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 1 I. played by Jannes Eiselen

After the battle, Gates relays to Dufresne what they found on the merchant ship and Dufresne tallies up what they can sell and tells Gates that each pirate will only make 8 dollars. Later, John Silver tells Dufresne that his cook books are missing and Dufresne tells him that all the books not kept by Captain Flint were added to the cargo to be sold.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 2 II. played by Jannes Eiselen

The pirates continue to cheer Flint and Logan excitedly yells that they will have rum and women for them all. Dufresne advises them not to spend money they haven't earned yet.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 3 III. played by Jannes Eiselen

While Dufresne and Flint are going over how much items the crew has, Gates tells Dufresne to leave.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 5 V. played by Jannes Eiselen

Flint gets upset that The Walrus isn't catching up to the Andromache and orders all the sails be raised. De Groot warns against raising all the sails and Logan and Dufresne measure their speed. Billy Bones agrees with De Groot, but then changes his mind when Flint stares at him. Gates then gives the order to increase the sails and they increase their speed. Billy hands Dufresne a pistol and tells him that he will also have to participate in the upcoming fight.

Billy gives a speech to the crew including Joshua and tells them of Flint's plan of attack using Beauclerc. After the speech, Gates tells Billy that he did a good job and Dufresne tries to get out of fighting. Billy tries to comfort Dufresne and tells him no one ever died during their first fight. Captain Bryson starts firing at The Walrus causing lots of injuries and damage to the ship. Beauclerc snipes Mr. Burnett the helmsman on the Andromache. Mr. Harris goes to take the helm and is also sniped by Beauclerc and the Andromache lurches and loses the wind. The pirates of The Walrus make preparations to board, including Joji and Crisp. Dufresne looks up at Crisp who looks back at him and Crisp is shot in the head.

The crew of The Walrus board the Andromache and during the fight, Dufresne chews the throat out of an Andromache sailor. Billy sees Dufresne looking through Bryson's papers and Dufresne tells him Tom Jameson died during his first fight. Billy then lists off more, Christian Thoms, Will Robbins, Jean DuBois, and the Portuguese guy with the lisp.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 6 VI. played by Jannes Eiselen

After the pirates of The Walrus win the battle against the Andromache, Dufresne lists the dead including Old Jim Carver, Sebastian Frakes, and Billy Bones and their bodies and a sword are dropped into the ocean.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 7 VII. played by Jannes Eiselen

Gates sees Dufresne getting a tattoo and with a newly shorn head and Dufresne says it is part of an initiation to become The Walrus' new quartermaster. De Groot tells Dufresne that Randall said Silver stole the page and not Singleton. Dr. Howell suggests they keep the information from the crew so that they can continue with their hunt of the Urca. Dufresne tells Silver that De Groot plans on handing Silver over to the crew unless Silver can pass a memory test. Dufresne, De Groot and Howell go to get Silver after he fails his test and Silver pulls a knife on De Groot, who pulls his own knife out. Randall then starts calling everyone a thief. As The Walrus is about to leave port, Gates remembers back to when he spoke with Dufresne the night before when Dufresne told him that the crew plans on killing Flint after they take the Urca over the death of Billy.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 8 VIII. played by Jannes Eiselen

The Walrus and Ranger arrive at Division Bay and Flint briefs his crew. Once they get view of the bay. no ship is there. Dufresne tells Flint that the crew has agreed to dock the ships and send out search parties for the Urca. Dufresne tells Gates that De Groot has insisted that once they dock, that Flint is immediately put on trial. Gates disagrees with the plan and insists they put Flint on trial when they return then hands Dufresne a letter. Logan spots sails and yells it to the crew and yells out that the ship is a Man-o'-War. Flint comes up with a plan to make it appear like the Ranger is attacking The Walrus and then ambush the Man-o'-War as it gets closer.

Flint leaves his cabin and tells Dufresne that Gates has died of a heart attack. He tells Logan to tell Mr. Thompson on the Ranger that he is in charge and to sail north. Dufresne walks into Flint's cabin and Silver tries to convince him to keep Gates' murder quiet. Silver yells at the Man-o'-War that they are being followed by a pirate ship and points at the Ranger. He tells the Spanish Officer where they came from and the Man-o'-War continues on its way. As Flint is about to give the order to fire on the Man-o'-War, Dufresne pulls a pistol on him and accuses him of tyranny against the crew.

Dufresne holds up the letter Gates gave him which details Flint's crimes against the crew. As Flint goes to fire a cannon, Dufresne shoots him. Silver fires one of the cannons at the Man-o'-War and Flint tells Dufresne not to waste the moment. Dufresne freezes and the Man-o'War fires at The Walrus and Dufresne orders The Walrus to open fire. The Man-o'-War opens fire again and The Walrus is obliterated. Flint wakes up on the beach next to Silver who tells him that he and Flint have been charged with what has happened. Flint asks Dufresne why he didn't kill him and Dufresne takes Flint and Silver to another part of the beach where they look at the shipwreck of the Urca and its chests of gold scattered along the beach.