Torture Garden (1967)

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Dr. Diabolo gives five guests the chance to see their future.


Horror, Anthology

Horror, Supernatural


Dr. Diabolo - Burgess Meredith

Gordon Roberts - Michael Ripper

Atropos - Clytie Jessop

Carnival Barker - Timothy Bateson


Colin Williams - Michael Bryant

Nurse Parker - Catherine Finn

Uncle Roger - Maurice Denham

Dr. Silversmith - Niall MacGinnis

Constable - Roy Stevens

Sergeant - Norman Claridge

Tramp - Barry Low


Terror Over Hollywood

Carla Hayes - Beverly Adams

Bruce Benton - Robert Hutton

Eddie Storm - John Phillips

Dr. Heim - Bernard Kay

Mike chambers - David Bauer

Millie - Nicole Shelby

Fred - James Copeland

Mr. Steinway

Leo Winston - John Standing

Miss Chambers - Ursula Howells

Dorothy Endicott - Barbara Ewing


The Man Who Collected Poe

Ronald Wyatt - Jack Palance

Lancelot Canning - Peter Cushing

Edgar Allen Poe - Geoffrey Wallace

Antique Collector - Roy Godfrey

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

At a carnival, a Carnival Barker invites the public to see the Torture Garden for half a crown. Inside, Dr. Diabolo performs his torture show where he shows off different torture devices. He shows them the electric chair and says the man sitting within it is deserving of his fate. Dr. Diabolo pulls the switch and seemingly kills the man sitting within. He invites the people at the show to see his real Torture Garden for five pounds. Gordon Roberts, Colin Williams, Carla Hayes, Dorothy Endicott, and Ronald Wyatt pay the money and Dr,. Diabolo drops all of their money into a fire.

Midnight Mess

Rogers answers the door and