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"Poncho" Ramirez is a member of a United States Special Forces team. He is a Chicano from East L.A. Poncho served with Dutch in Afghanistan. He is catholic.

During the events of Predator (1987) played by Richard Chaves

Dutch and his team, Mac, Blain, Billy, Poncho and Hawkins arrive in a Central American Country. Billy and the team take a helicopter with Dillon to a location near where the helicopter of a cabinet minister went down and rappel to the ground. They arrive at the crash site and Poncho tells Dutch that the helicopter appears to be a surveillance chopper and not one used to carry diplomats. The team arrive at a guerrilla base and they attack it. They kill all the guerrillas in the base. Anna, who was taken prisoner by Dillon, tries to escape but Poncho stops her. Later, Dillon motions to Poncho to watch Anna and while Poncho is distracted she hits him with a branch and escapes. Hawkins runs after her and is killed, and when Poncho finds Anna she is covered in blood and Hawkins is missing. Poncho looks for Hawkins, but only finds his gear and a trail of blood leading to intestines. Poncho asks Anna what she saw and she tells him the jungle came alive and took Hawkins. Dutch orders his team to search for Hawkins' body and After Blain is killed, Poncho again asks Anna what she saw, but she repeats the same thing. He asks Billy what he knows and Billy tells him what is killing them isn't a man and they are all going to die. After Blain's body is taken during the night, the team sets up booby traps in the trees and catch the Predator in a net. It shoots its way out causing a large log to fall and hit Poncho in the chest. Poncho is helped to his feet by Dutch and Anna and they head for the evacuation site. Billy stays behind and shortly after Poncho and Dutch hear Billy scream, Poncho is hit in the head with a laser and dies.

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