De Groot

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De Groot


De Groot is a pirate on The Walrus in the West Indies.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 4 IV. played by Andre Jacobs

Billy Bones and Gates walk out onto the deck of The Walrus and Gates tells the crew that Billy will be their new quartermaster. Billy tells the crew that they will need to careen the ship. He asks the crew where they should do it and Muldoon suggests somewhere where there is plenty of rum. Froom asks if they will have a tent for fornication and Billy mentions that it is something they can discuss later. Billy asks De Groot his opinion and De Groot says The Walrus is unsuitable for the task of careening the ship and asks to find a more suitable beach. Captain Flint says they cannot delay the careening or they will lose their chance at catching the Urca. Billy calls for a vote and all but Morley agree to it.

Flint rides to the beach and De Groot tells him that they are ahead of schedule of cleaning the ship. The wind starts to pick up and De Groot notices the palm Froom and Crisp tied to the rope to start to strain, but doesn't tell Flint. The wind starts to make the palms pull away from the sand. As everyone is running away from the ship, Randall sees Betsy hiding under the ship. Randall goes after her and the ship leans slightly and starts to crush Randall. Morley and Flint run to help Randall and Betsy runs away. They start to dig the sand under Randall while De Groot tells Billy that they have to cut the remaining rope to save the ship's mast. John Silver runs over and throws his butcher knife to Flint who starts to hack at Randall's stuck leg. The ropes are cut and the ship lurches, Flint manages to pull Randall away, but Morley is crushed under the ship.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 5 V. played by Andre Jacobs

Flint gets upset that The Walrus isn't catching up to the Andromache and orders all the sails be raised. De Groot warns against raising all the sails and Logan and Dufresne measure their speed. Billy agrees with De Groot, but then changes his mind when Flint stares at him. Gates then gives the order to increase the sails and they increase their speed.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 6 VI. played by Andre Jacobs

After pirates of The Walrus manage to overtake the Andromache, De Groot advises Billy on where to place the cannons.

During the events of Black Sails: Season 1 Episode 7 VII. played by Andre Jacobs

De Groot and Dr. Howell hold back Randall from attacking Silver. De Groot tells Silver that the ship's council voted Randall off the crew. Randall Tells De Groot and Howell that Silver stole the page and not Singleton. De Groot tells Dufresne what Randall told him. Howell suggests they keep the information from the crew so that they can continue with their hunt of the Urca. Dufresne, De Groot and Howell go to get Silver after he fails his test and Silver pulls a knife on De Groot, who pulls his own knife out. Randall then starts calling everyone a thief.