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Sean O'Shaney is an herbalist. He is a leprechaun.

During the events of Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 1 Episode 10 The Tale of Jake and the Leprechaun played by David J. Steinberg

Jake goes to look for tea ingredients and meets Sean. Sean tells Jake he senses he has the glammer and gives Jake his business card. When Jake gives Sean the list of ingredients, Sean gets upset when he reads the ingredients and sends Jake away. Jake goes back to speak with Sean and asks to know more about the herbs on the ingredients list. Sean walks away and goes inside his house and Jake tells him that he is changing. Sean then lets Jake into his house and Jake tells Sean about the play he is in. When Jake mentions Erin’s name, Sean opens a large book and then realizes Jake doesn’t understand what the herbs are for and tells Jake he traded some herbs with a spriggan with the saying what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. During final rehearsal, Jake and Erin rehearse the part of the play where Jake speaks about changing into a leprechaun. Sean sneaks onto the stage and recognizes what is going on. As Jake is about to say the final words, Sean pulls a rope causing a part of the stage to fall down, stopping rehearsal. While Jake is backstage, Sean calls him over and tells him to look at a mirror and Jake sees that his ears are now pointy.

Jake continues to look at his ears in the mirror and Sean tells him that every time he takes the oath from the play, the closer he is to becoming a changeling. Sean says that during the play, Jake will say the oath for the final time and then be transformed. Jake and Sean go towards Erin’s room and set the fire alarm off and when Erin leaves, they go inside of his room. Inside they find the alter Erin made with Jake’s hat and photo and a frog which Sean says is a changeling. Sean takes the rowan root from the alter, but before they can leave Erin returns and Jake and Sean hide under Erin’s bed. Erin goes to his mirror and pulls off fake ears, revealing large pointy ears and when he takes his robe off, he has a large hairy patch on his back. Jake and Sean manage to escape, and Sean tells Jake that Erin is a banshee and every seven years he needs to feed off a human soul.

During the premier, Sean tells Jake what he must do to beat Erin, swallow two spiders, add extra ingredients to the bota bag which he must give to Erin, and not to take his eyes off of Erin. While Sean is telling Jake this, Sean casts a spell. As Jake is giving the final oath, Erin drinks from the bota bag, but figures out something is wrong. Jake takes his gaze away from Erin, who then appears as his true form. Lucy notices something is different from the script and asks if they missed something in rehearsal. Erin starts to menacingly walk towards Jake, who yells out for help. Sean then calls Erin by his true name, Gort. Erin tries to destroy Sean with a spell, which seemingly works, and then steals Jake’s soul, and Jake transforms into a frog. Sean reappears and pulls out a tail from a bag, which happens to be Erin’s, and then says yours be mine and mine be yours before throwing it at Erin. Erin disappears and Sean uses a spell to return Jake to his human form. The crowd gives a standing ovation and Jake and Sean take a bow.