Max Keller

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Max Keller


Max Keller is a drifter in the United States. His arrests include for fighting and disturbing the peace. Max is a Vietnam War veteran. He has a pet hamster named Henry.

During the events of The Master: Season 1 Episode 1 Max played by Timothy Van Patten

In Illinois, Max is thrown out of a bar by some bikers who were harassing a couple. He ties metal wires to a semi and other objects and then ties the other ends to the motorcycle tires of the bikers. When the bikers come out of the bar, Max drives his van towards them and they get on their motorcycles and chase after him, only to all crash due to their motorcycles being tied with the metal wires.

Max is driving through Ellerston, Pennsylvania when Holly Trumball runs up to his van and asks him for help. She gets in his van and they drive away. He introduces her to Henry and a car gets behind them and starts honking at them. The driver of the other vehicle turns out to be Sheriff Kyle who turns on his lightbar and starts to shoot at the van. Sheriff Kyle crashes his car and Max and Holly get away. Max drops Holly off at Mr. Trumball's airport and then goes to the Clover Leaf bar. Jim Powell calls to Max and offers to buy him a drink for saving Holly. A fight breaks out and John Peter McAllister's suitcase gets thrown and opens up. Sheriff Kyle starts going through his stuff and Man in Bar tells Max that he heard John can take care of himself.

Max confronts Sheriff Kyle and a fight breaks out. Sheriff Kyle tries to stab Max with the samurai sword and Max is thrown out of the bar by a Bar Fighter. He and John escape in Max's van and Max tells him of a ninja he saw in Saigon. They drive to Trumball Aviation and Max speaks with Mr. Trumball and Sheriff Kyle drives up. Mr. Trumball has Holly hide John and Max and Sheriff Kyle leaves. John shows Max a photo of his daughter and Max offers to help him find her if John trains him how to be a ninja, but John tells him no. A fire breaks out and Sheriff Kyle shoots at Max and his van.

Mr. Christensen is having a party when Max confronts him and Max is thrown out of the party. John trains Max and then offers to help him deal with Christensen. John throws a throwing star at Sheriff Kyle's tire and then ties him up. Max turns on Sheriff Kyle's radio and forces him to admit setting the fire and name who helped him. John and Max go to Christensen's high-rise and Max knocks out the Security Guard. Max confronts Christensen again and tells him that Sheriff Kyle and Havilland have been arrested. Max throws a throwing star at Christensen's heart, killing him. John and Okasa fight and John wins and spares Okasa's life. Max tells John that Holly knows John's daughter and she is currently in Atlanta. As they are driving, Holly flies overhead in her plane.