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== During the events of [[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)]] played by [[Rupert Grint]] ==
== During the events of [[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)]] played by [[Rupert Grint]] ==
[[File:Ron_Year_2_-_Edited.png|400px|thumb|right|Ron Weasley Year 2]]
[[File:Ron_Year_2_-_Edited.png|425px|thumb|right|Ron Weasley Year 2]]
Harry hears a noise, and Ron, Fred and George drive up to his window in their [[Ford Anglia]].  They pull the bars off Harry's window and Harry escapes with them just before [[Uncle Vernon Dudley]] grabs for him.  As they are driving away, Ron tells Harry Happy Birthday.  They land at the Weasley farm and sneak in.  Mrs Weasley comes down stairs and yells at the Weasley boys.  Ginny runs downstairs and stares wide eyed at Harry and then runs away.  Mr Weasley walks in and tells everyone of the nine raids he conducted and then meets Harry.  Mr Weasley is asking Harry questions about non magic users when [[Errol]] flies into the window with a piece of mail.  Percy takes the letter which includes all of the children's Hogwarts letters, including Harry's.  They travel to Diagon Alley using Floo Powder.  The Weasley's go to the train station and teleport through platform 9 3/4, except Ron and Harry, who are last.  They try to teleport, but find the bricks solid and crash into them.  [[Station Guard]] walks over and asks them what they are doing and they apologize.  They decide to use the Ford Anglia to fly to Hogwarts and Harry has to remind Ron to turn on the invisibility booster.  They are almost run over by the Hogwarts Express and crash land at Hogwarts into the [[Whomping Willow]] after Ron breaks his wand trying to get the Ford Anglia to stop.  They are thrown out of the Ford Anglia which then drives off.  Harry tells Ron about Dobby and Mr Filch, who is holding [[Mrs Norris]], stops them and tells them that might be there last night in the castle and tells them they are in trouble.  They are brought to Professor Snape's office where Professor Snape tells them they were seen by seven people flying in the Ford Anglia and they damaged the Whomping Willow.  He threatens to kick them out and Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall walk in and Professor McGonagall gives Harry and Ron detention.  The next day, [[Professor Sprout]] walks into class and tells the students they are going to be re-potting [[Mandrakes]].  She warns them that the Mandrake seedlings can cause those who hear their cry to faint and tells the class to put on their ear muffs.  At dinner, there is a screeching and Dean tells Ron, Errol is coming.  Errol delivers a Howler message to Ron from Mrs Weasley who yells at Ron through the Howler.   
Harry hears a noise, and Ron, Fred and George drive up to his window in their [[Ford Anglia]].  They pull the bars off Harry's window and Harry escapes with them just before [[Uncle Vernon Dursley]] grabs for him.  As they are driving away, Ron tells Harry Happy Birthday.  They land at the Weasley farm and sneak in.  Mrs Weasley comes down stairs and yells at the Weasley boys.  Ginny runs downstairs and stares wide eyed at Harry and then runs away.  Mr Weasley walks in and tells everyone of the nine raids he conducted and then meets Harry.  Mr Weasley is asking Harry questions about non magic users when [[Errol]] flies into the window with a piece of mail.  Percy takes the letter which includes all of the children's Hogwarts letters, including Harry's.  They travel to Diagon Alley using Floo Powder.  The Weasley's go to the train station and teleport through platform 9 3/4, except Ron and Harry, who are last.  They try to teleport, but find the bricks solid and crash into them.  [[Station Guard]] walks over and asks them what they are doing and they apologize.  They decide to use the Ford Anglia to fly to Hogwarts and Harry has to remind Ron to turn on the invisibility booster.  They are almost run over by the Hogwarts Express and crash land at Hogwarts into the [[Whomping Willow]] after Ron breaks his wand trying to get the Ford Anglia to stop.  They are thrown out of the Ford Anglia which then drives off.  Harry tells Ron about Dobby and Mr Filch, who is holding [[Mrs Norris]], stops them and tells them that might be there last night in the castle and tells them they are in trouble.  They are brought to Professor Snape's office where Professor Snape tells them they were seen by seven people flying in the Ford Anglia and they damaged the Whomping Willow.  He threatens to kick them out and Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall walk in and Professor McGonagall gives Harry and Ron detention.  The next day, [[Professor Sprout]] walks into class and tells the students they are going to be re-potting [[Mandrakes]].  She warns them that the Mandrake seedlings can cause those who hear their cry to faint and tells the class to put on their ear muffs.  At dinner, there is a screeching and Dean tells Ron, Errol is coming.  Errol delivers a Howler message to Ron from Mrs Weasley who yells at Ron through the Howler.   

In class, [[Gilderoy Lockhart]] introduces himself to the students as their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Hermione and [[Susan Bones]] swoon over him.  He un-cages [[Cornish Pixies]] in class and they start to unleash havoc onto the class.  He runs away after asking Hermione, Harry and Ron to capture the Pixies when the Pixies steal his wand.  Hermione casts an Immobulus spell which causes Pixies to slowly float in the air.  As the Gryffindor Quidditch team walk into the practice green, [[Marcus Flint]] tells them they were given the practice time to train their new Seeker, Draco.  Ron walks up with Hermione and asks how the Slytherin team got the Nimbus 2001's and Marcus tells him Lucius bought them for the team.  Draco comments to Ron that his father can afford the best and Hermione accuses Draco of buying himself onto the team, to which Draco calls her a Mudblood.  Ron tries to cast an Eat Slugs spell on Draco with his broken wand, which backfires, causing Ron to vomit up snails and the Slytherin team including [[Adrian Pucey]], [[Slyth Beater No 1]], [[Slyth Beater No 2]], [[Slyth Beater No 3]] and [[Slyth Keeper]].  Harry and Hermione take Ron to Hagrid's hut who asks why Ron tried to curse Draco.  Hermione tells Hagrid, Draco called her Mudblood.  After detention, Harry runs into Hermione and Ron.  They run to where the voice is coming from and see spiders running out of the castle.  They then see blood splattered on the wall with the words "The chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir...beware".  They find Mrs Norris hanging in the air and a crowd gathers around and Mr Filch threatens to kill Harry when he thinks it was him that hurt Mrs Norris.  Dumbledore and the professors walk up and Dumbledore tells the students except for Harry, Ron and Hermione to return to their rooms.  Professor Snape says it is suspicious how Harry was present at the time and Lockhart tells him, Harry was with him.  Dumbledore then mentions Professor Sprout's Mandrakes and tells Mr Filch, Mrs Norris will be fine.  As they are walking to the common room, Harry wonders if he should tell Dumbledore about the voice he heard and Hermione tells him hearing voices isn't a good thing and [[Count - Moving Picture]] agrees with Hermione.   
In class, [[Gilderoy Lockhart]] introduces himself to the students as their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Hermione and [[Susan Bones]] swoon over him.  He un-cages [[Cornish Pixies]] in class and they start to unleash havoc onto the class.  He runs away after asking Hermione, Harry and Ron to capture the Pixies when the Pixies steal his wand.  Hermione casts an Immobulus spell which causes Pixies to slowly float in the air.  As the Gryffindor Quidditch team walk into the practice green, [[Marcus Flint]] tells them they were given the practice time to train their new Seeker, Draco.  Ron walks up with Hermione and asks how the Slytherin team got the Nimbus 2001's and Marcus tells him Lucius bought them for the team.  Draco comments to Ron that his father can afford the best and Hermione accuses Draco of buying himself onto the team, to which Draco calls her a Mudblood.  Ron tries to cast an Eat Slugs spell on Draco with his broken wand, which backfires, causing Ron to vomit up snails and the Slytherin team including [[Adrian Pucey]], [[Slyth Beater No 1]], [[Slyth Beater No 2]], [[Slyth Beater No 3]] and [[Slyth Keeper]].  Harry and Hermione take Ron to Hagrid's hut who asks why Ron tried to curse Draco.  Hermione tells Hagrid, Draco called her Mudblood.  After detention, Harry runs into Hermione and Ron.  They run to where the voice is coming from and see spiders running out of the castle.  They then see blood splattered on the wall with the words "The chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir...beware".  They find Mrs Norris hanging in the air and a crowd gathers around and Mr Filch threatens to kill Harry when he thinks it was him that hurt Mrs Norris.  Dumbledore and the professors walk up and Dumbledore tells the students except for Harry, Ron and Hermione to return to their rooms.  Professor Snape says it is suspicious how Harry was present at the time and Lockhart tells him, Harry was with him.  Dumbledore then mentions Professor Sprout's Mandrakes and tells Mr Filch, Mrs Norris will be fine.  As they are walking to the common room, Harry wonders if he should tell Dumbledore about the voice he heard and Hermione tells him hearing voices isn't a good thing and [[Count - Moving Picture]] agrees with Hermione.   

Revision as of 11:32, 16 May 2020

Ron Weasley


Ronald "Ron" Weasley is a wizard from house Gryffindor and student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His mother is Mrs Weasley, his father is Mr Weasley and his siblings are Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley and George Weasley. His familiar is Scabbers.

During the events of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) played by Rupert Grint

Harry Potter hears Mrs Weasley complain about Muggles and he follows her, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George and Ron to Platform 9 3/4. Percy goes first, followed by Fred, George and finally Ron. Harry gets onto Hogwarts Express and shares a sleeper car with Ron. A Dimpled Woman on Train asks Harry and Ron if they want anything from the food trolley and when Harry notices Ron brought food, he buys everything from the trolley. Ron introduces Harry to Scabbers and before he is about to show Harry a spell, Hermione Granger asks them if they have seen Neville Longbottom's toad, Trevor. After Ron fails at a spell, Hermione uses a spell to fix Harry's broken glasses. They arrive at the station and take boats to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall tells the first year students that they must go through the process of being sorted into their respective houses and she explains the points system and the house that wins the most points will win the house cup. Neville finds Trevor and Draco Malfoy makes a comment about Harry, which causes the other students to exclaim and Draco introduces Harry to Crabbe and Goyle. When Ron snickers at Draco, Draco insults Ron and tells Harry some wizarding families are better than others. The first year students are brought into the Great Hall and brought to The Sorting Hat. Albus Dumbledore tells the first year students the rules including that the Dark Forest is off limits. The first to get sorted into their house is Hermione, then Draco, Susan Bones, Ron, and Harry.

During dinner, Nearly Headless Nick introduces himself to the new students and The Grey Lady, The Bloody Baron, and Fat Friar float around the students. Percy gives the password to the Fat Lady and Percy takes the first year students into the Gryfffindor common room. The next morning, Harry and Ron are late to Professor McGonagall's class. Professor Snape introduces his class and points out that fame doesn't equal ability. Mail comes and Dean Thomas tells everyone Neville got a Remembrall. Harry reads The Daily Prophet that Ron received and sees that there was a break in at Gringotts in the same vault he and Hagrid went to. Later, Madame Hooch teaches the students how to ride their broomsticks. Neville loses control of his broomstick and eventually falls and breaks his wrist. While Madame Hooch is taking Neville to the hospital, Draco steal Neville's Remembrall. Harry flies after Draco and catches the Remembrall when Draco throws it into the air. Professor McGonagall sees Harry flying and takes him with her and introduces Harry to Oliver Wood and Harry is made the new Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker. The staircase moves as Harry, Hermione and Ron are walking up it and as they go to leave a room they aren't supposed to be, they see Mrs Norris and run away. They enter a locked room and come face to face with Fluffy who chases them out of the room. Hermione later figures out that Fluffy was guarding something.

Professor Flitwick teaches the students about the making of charm spells that can make things fly. As Ron is trying the spell, Hermione corrects him in the proper way of saying the spell. After class, Ron is making fun of the way Hermione corrected him and she hears him and runs away. At Halloween dinner, Neville tells Harry that Hermione was crying in the bathroom. Professor Quirrell runs into the Great Hall and yells there is a Troll in the dungeon. As they are walking back to the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Ron decide to leave and tell Hermione of the danger. They see the Troll go into the girl's bathroom. Hermione walks out of a stall and the Troll swings his club at her. Harry and Ron start throwing pieces of the destroyed stalls at the Troll and Ron eventually knocks the Troll out when he causes the Troll's club to levitate and then fall on the Troll's head. Professor McGonagall, Snape and Professor Quirrell run into the bathroom and Hermione takes the blame and Gryffindor loses five points, but gains ten for Harry and Ron's bravery. Harry notices that Snape has a limp and thinks Snape was trying to get whatever Fluffy is guarding. The Quidditch games starts and as Harry starts to go after the Snitch, his broom starts to act on its own. Hermione sees Snape mouthing spells and she starts a fire under Snape, who bumps into a professor who bumps into Professor Quirrell. Harry is able to regain control of his broom and catches the Snitch in his mouth and wins the game for Gryffindor.

Harry, Hermione and Ron tell Hagrid they think Snape was trying to curse Harry and tell him they think he is trying to steal whatever is hidden in the room with Fluffy, but Hagrid tells them not to meddle in places they don't belong and accidentally mentions the name Nicholas Flamel. Harry and Ron are playing Wizard's Chess when Hermione comes up to them and suggests they look in the restricted section of the library for information on Nicholas Flamel. On Christmas Day, Harry runs to Ron and shows him the mirror which shows Ron holding the Quidditch cup as Quidditch Captain. After Christmas break, Hermione finds a book that mentions Nicholas Flamel was the maker of the Sorceror's Stone which can turn metal into stone and produce the Elixir of Life. They go to Hagrid's hut and tell him they know about the Sorceror's Stone. They tell him they think Snape is trying to steal the stone, but Hagrid tells them he is one of the professors protecting it. As they are talking to Hagrid, Fang starts sniffing Ron's face. Hagrid pulls out a dragon egg, which hatches into a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, which Hagrid names Norbert. As they are walking back to the Gryffindor common room, they are stopped by Professor McGonagall who deducts points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco, who tattled on them to Professor McGonagall, for being out past curfew and they are each given detention.

For detention they are brought by Mr Filch to help Hagrid in the Dark Forest. Hagrid tells them Dumbledore made him send Norbert to Romania. They follow Hagrid and Fang into the forest and find unicorn blood and Hagrid tells them he found one dead a few weeks ago and their goal is to find the wounded unicorn. They split up and Ron and Hermione go with Hagrid. Afterwards, Harry tells Hermione and Ron about Voldemort, who he saw in the forest and that Snape doesn't want the Sorcerer's Stone for himself, but for Voldemort. Harry's scar starts to hurt and he figures out Hagrid must have told someone how to get past Fluffy, and Hagrid reveals the trick to get past Fluffy. Harry, Hermione and Ron run to Professor McGonagall and tell her they have to speak to Dumbledore about the Sorcerer's Stone, but she tells them Dumbledore is gone. They decide to go to the trapdoor under Fluffy that night. As they are trying to sneak out, Neville stops them and Hermione uses a freeze spell on him.

They go to the room with the trapdoor and find Fluffy asleep. As they are about to go into the trapdoor, Fluffy wakes up when the harp used to keep it asleep stops and they are forced to jump down the trapdoor. They land on Devil's Snare and when Ron has trouble relaxing enough to slip through it, Hermione uses a light spell to free him. They walk into a room filled with winged keys and Harry uses a broom to catch the key to the next room as the other keys chase him. In the next room is a large chessboard, which mimics Wizard's Chess. They take different positions on the board as Ron coordinates their and their respective chess pieces movements. Ron sacrifices himself in order to win the game and Hermione stays behind with an injured Ron and to send a message to Dumbledore while Harry continues on and eventually finds the Sorcerer's Stone. During the end of semester dinner, Gryffindor wins the house cup due to the actions of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville.

During the events of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) played by Rupert Grint

Ron Weasley Year 2

Harry hears a noise, and Ron, Fred and George drive up to his window in their Ford Anglia. They pull the bars off Harry's window and Harry escapes with them just before Uncle Vernon Dursley grabs for him. As they are driving away, Ron tells Harry Happy Birthday. They land at the Weasley farm and sneak in. Mrs Weasley comes down stairs and yells at the Weasley boys. Ginny runs downstairs and stares wide eyed at Harry and then runs away. Mr Weasley walks in and tells everyone of the nine raids he conducted and then meets Harry. Mr Weasley is asking Harry questions about non magic users when Errol flies into the window with a piece of mail. Percy takes the letter which includes all of the children's Hogwarts letters, including Harry's. They travel to Diagon Alley using Floo Powder. The Weasley's go to the train station and teleport through platform 9 3/4, except Ron and Harry, who are last. They try to teleport, but find the bricks solid and crash into them. Station Guard walks over and asks them what they are doing and they apologize. They decide to use the Ford Anglia to fly to Hogwarts and Harry has to remind Ron to turn on the invisibility booster. They are almost run over by the Hogwarts Express and crash land at Hogwarts into the Whomping Willow after Ron breaks his wand trying to get the Ford Anglia to stop. They are thrown out of the Ford Anglia which then drives off. Harry tells Ron about Dobby and Mr Filch, who is holding Mrs Norris, stops them and tells them that might be there last night in the castle and tells them they are in trouble. They are brought to Professor Snape's office where Professor Snape tells them they were seen by seven people flying in the Ford Anglia and they damaged the Whomping Willow. He threatens to kick them out and Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall walk in and Professor McGonagall gives Harry and Ron detention. The next day, Professor Sprout walks into class and tells the students they are going to be re-potting Mandrakes. She warns them that the Mandrake seedlings can cause those who hear their cry to faint and tells the class to put on their ear muffs. At dinner, there is a screeching and Dean tells Ron, Errol is coming. Errol delivers a Howler message to Ron from Mrs Weasley who yells at Ron through the Howler.

In class, Gilderoy Lockhart introduces himself to the students as their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Hermione and Susan Bones swoon over him. He un-cages Cornish Pixies in class and they start to unleash havoc onto the class. He runs away after asking Hermione, Harry and Ron to capture the Pixies when the Pixies steal his wand. Hermione casts an Immobulus spell which causes Pixies to slowly float in the air. As the Gryffindor Quidditch team walk into the practice green, Marcus Flint tells them they were given the practice time to train their new Seeker, Draco. Ron walks up with Hermione and asks how the Slytherin team got the Nimbus 2001's and Marcus tells him Lucius bought them for the team. Draco comments to Ron that his father can afford the best and Hermione accuses Draco of buying himself onto the team, to which Draco calls her a Mudblood. Ron tries to cast an Eat Slugs spell on Draco with his broken wand, which backfires, causing Ron to vomit up snails and the Slytherin team including Adrian Pucey, Slyth Beater No 1, Slyth Beater No 2, Slyth Beater No 3 and Slyth Keeper. Harry and Hermione take Ron to Hagrid's hut who asks why Ron tried to curse Draco. Hermione tells Hagrid, Draco called her Mudblood. After detention, Harry runs into Hermione and Ron. They run to where the voice is coming from and see spiders running out of the castle. They then see blood splattered on the wall with the words "The chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir...beware". They find Mrs Norris hanging in the air and a crowd gathers around and Mr Filch threatens to kill Harry when he thinks it was him that hurt Mrs Norris. Dumbledore and the professors walk up and Dumbledore tells the students except for Harry, Ron and Hermione to return to their rooms. Professor Snape says it is suspicious how Harry was present at the time and Lockhart tells him, Harry was with him. Dumbledore then mentions Professor Sprout's Mandrakes and tells Mr Filch, Mrs Norris will be fine. As they are walking to the common room, Harry wonders if he should tell Dumbledore about the voice he heard and Hermione tells him hearing voices isn't a good thing and Count - Moving Picture agrees with Hermione.

Professor McGonagall teaches the class how to transform animals to water goblets, which Ron fails due to his broken wand. Hermione asks Professor McGonagall about the Chamber of Secrets and she tells them about the founding of Hogwarts and how Salazar Slytherin wanted magic to be taught only to pure blood magical families. He eventually built the Chamber of Secrets and sealed it until his future heir would come to reopen it to unleash the horror within that would then kill those born from muggles. Harry and Ron think Draco is heir of Slytherin, but Hermione doesn't think so. She tells them she might have a way to find out and they go to the library where she finds a book with directions to make a Polyjuice Potion, which allow the drinker to change into someone else. Harry tells Hermione and Ron about what he heard the night before in the girl's restroom. Hermione then introduces them to Moaning Myrtle who lives in the girl's restroom. Before Christmas break, Hermione sits down next to Ron and Harry and tells them the Polyjuice Potion is almost done, they just need hair from Crabbe and Goyle, and shows them cupcakes mixed with a Sleeping Draught. She tells them she took a hair from Millicent Bulstrode's robe. Crabbe and Goyle eat the magic cupcakes and fall unconscious. Harry and Ron return to Hermione and they all drink their potions. Ron and Harry leave without Hermione and head towards the Slytherin common room. Draco sees them being questioned in the hall by Percy and walks back with them to the Slytherin common room. They ask Draco about who might be the heir of Slytherin, but Draco doesn't know. He does tell them Lucius Malfoy said the Chamber had been opened 50 years ago and a student expelled. The magic of the Polyjuice Potion starts to fade and Harry and Ron run back to the girl's restroom and find out Hermione accidentally took a car hair from Millicent's robes and now has a temporary cat face. Ron and Harry see the girl's restroom flooding and go inside. Moaning Myrtle tells them someone threw a book at her and Harry picks it up and takes it with him.

Harry tells Hermione and Ron that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets, but they don't trust Tom's word. Neville runs up to Harry and then takes him back to Harry's room, which has been torn apart and his things strewn on the ground and Harry realizes the journal is missing. Professor McGonagall and Harry go to get Ron and then she takes them to the clinic where Hermione is laying in bed, petrified. New rules are put in place at Hogworts and Professor McGonagall tells the students if the culprit of the attacks is not caught, Hogworts will be closed. Harry and Ron sneak to Hagrid's hut using the cloak of invisibility and knock on the door. Hagrid lets them in and as they ask Hagrid about the Chamber of Secrets there is a knock on the door. Ron and Harry get underneath the cloak and Hagrid lets Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge come inside. Cornelius tells Hagrid that he will have to take Hagrid to Azkaban due to the attacks on the students. Lucius walks in and tells Dumbledore the governors have decide it is time for Dumbledore to step aside as Headmaster of Hogwarts. As Hagrid is leaving with Cornelius, he mentions to follow the spiders and someone will have to feed Fang. Harry, Ron and Fang follow a group of spiders into the Dark Forest. They come to a clearing surrounded by large trees and Aragog comes out of his hole in the ground. Aragog tells them Hagrid didn't open the Chamber of Secrets and the creature that killed the student is an ancient creature spiders fear. After telling them the student died in the girl's restroom, Aragog tells them his children need to feed and as they are surrounded, the Ford Anglia drives up and saves them. After the Ford Anglia makes it out of the Dark Forest, Harry, Ron and Fang get out and the Ford Anglia drives back into the forest. While Harry and Ron visit Hermione in the clinic, Harry finds a page from a library book stuck in her hand which talks about the Basilisk, which Harry realizes is in the Chamber of Secrets. He figures out no one has died, because everyone who has seen it saw it through a reflection or something else. They hear an announcement and sneak over to Professor McGonagall telling Professor Snape, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Flitwick, and Mr Filch, Ginny was taken to the Chamber of Secrets and all the students must be sent home.

Lockhart walks up and Professor McGonagall tasks him with finding Ginny. Ron and Harry run to tell Lockhart what they know and find him packing his belongings. He admits to them he stole all of his stories from others and tells them he is gifted with memory charms. They force Lockhart to come with them as they go to the girl's restroom and they ask Moaning Myrtle what she remembers before she died. Harry figures out how to open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and they go inside. They find the Basilisk's lair to be full of bones and tunnels. Lockhart acts like he has fainted and then steals Ron's wand. He casts an Obliviate spell against Harry, but it backfires due to Ron's wand being damaged. A large amount of rocks fall from the ceiling and Harry tells Ron to stay with Lockhart and to start to dig themselves out while he goes to save Ginny. After Harry kills the Basilisk, Fawkes then flies all of them back to the surface. Dumbledore awards special awards to Ron and Harry and gives Ron papers to have Hagrid released from Azkaban. Those who were petrified recover, including Hermione, who is welcomed back by Ron and Harry. Before the end of the year feast, Dumbledore asks for a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey and all of the students and professors clap, including Madam Pince. Hagrid returns and personally thanks Harry, Ron and Hermione and everyone gives Hagrid a round of applause.