Imperator is an Imperator at the Citadel.
During the events of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) played by Vince Roxburgh and John Walton
Imperator Furiosa walks towards the War Rig as Immortan Joe is getting prepared for his speech. Chanting War Boy loudly chants a War Boy chant to the War Boys preparing the War Rig. The Ace tells the War Boys that they are heading to Gastown. The Wretched gather under Immortan Joe's cliff tower as the War Boys chant Immortan Joe's name. Immortan Joe is helped to the opening of the cliff by Rictus Erectus, The Prime Imperator and an Imperator while Corpus Colossus looks on. The Prime Imperator tells The Wretched to yell and make noise for Immortan Joe. Immortan Joe tells the crowd that once again they send out his War Rig to return with gasoline and bullets. He then salutes Furiosa and his War Boys. He calls himself their redeemer and then releases water from three large pipes which pours down towards The Wretched who gather to collect it. The War Rig and convoy drive away and The Breakman raises the main platform while The Winchman knocks members of The Wretched who try to climb onto the platform.
The convoy to recover the wives begins its chase of Furiosa as the Drummers and The Doof Warrior play music. Furiosa drives towards a large sandstorm and then drives into the sandstorm and her convoy follows her, causing them all to die. Furiosa drives into a series of canyons and a group of Rock Riders detonate bombs that cause a large rockslide blocking Immortan Joe's war party. Immortan Joe follows after Furiosa and tells his war party to clear the rocks. An Imperator tells Immortan Joe that Nux says that he was on the War Rig and Immortan Joe tells Nux to climb aboard.
Immortan Joe catches up with the War Rig and The Splendid Angharad opens the door and leans out of the War Rig and Furiosa shoots at Immortan Joe, but the Imperator who found Nux leans in front of Immortan Joe and is shot in the back and falls off of Immortan Joe's vehicle. Nux tells Immortan Joe that he can get inside the War Rig and kill Furiosa and Immortan Joe sprays Nux's face with chrome spray paint and tells Nux that he is awaited in Valhalla. Rictus throws Nux onto the War Rig, but as Nux is running, his chain catches on a part of the War Rig and he stumbles. Immortan Joe calls Nux's attempt mediocre and Max Rockatansky and Furiosa kill the remaining Imperator on Immortan Joe's vehicle. The War Rig gets stuck in the salt marshes as does Immortan Joe's war party. Furiosa eventually manages to get away.
Polecat Lookout spots the War Rig driving back towards The Citadel and yells out. An Imperator tells Immortan Joe that it is indeed the War Rig and Immortan Joe realizes what Furiosa is planning on doing. Immortan Joe’s remaining war party get back into their vehicles and start chasing after the War Rig. Max’s stolen vehicle with Slit riding on the hood is the first to reach the War Rig and drops some spike strips. The Valkyrie shoots the driver of the Interceptor and then she and Maadi the Vuvalini the driver of the motorcycle fall back towards the back of the War Rig. The Valkyrie kills another driver, but Maadi is hit in the head and blinded and they crash their motorcycle. The Valkyrie and Maadi are then run over by The People Eater. A group of Bullet Boys fire harpoons that start to drag the War Rig. A large War Boy truck drives next to the War Rig and fires a harpoon into the cab, and a Vuvalini kills the driver. She is then killed when part of the War Rig is pulled away when the War Boy truck crashes.
Max manages to cut all the harpoon chains, but the War Rig is then attacked by a group of polecats. A polecat drops a smoke grenade into the cab of the War Rig while another one attaches a snare pole around Furiosa's neck. The Keeper of the Seeds is attacked by Polecat Lookout and struck in the neck with his chainsaw. Furiosa then kills Polecat Lookout and then throws out the smoke grenade and removes the snare pole from her neck. Black Mask jumps onto the War Rig and attacks a Vuvalini. Black Mask then shoots a bolt at Max's forehead. A polecat grabs Toast the Knowing and drops her into Immortan Joe's vehicle. Max manages to kill a few more polecats, but Furiosa is stabbed in the side by Black Mask. The Keeper of the seeds shoves a bullet through the eye of Black Mask and The Dag kicks Black Mask out of the cab. Slit who is driving Max's car tries to ram Max, who is hanging from the War Rig. Furiosa crushes Max's vehicle between the War Rig and The People Eater's vehicle and Max's vehicle explodes. Nux nudges Max onto The People Eater's vehicle and a Vuvalini shoots The People Eater's gunner in the head. Max removes The People Eater's driver and kicks The People Eater unconscious. Max drives The People Eater's vehicle across from Immortan Joe's and Immortan Joe fires at Max, hitting and killing The People Eater. Max jumps onto the War Rig as The People Eater's vehicle explodes. A polecat grabs Max and pulls him away from the War Rig. Max lands on The Doof Warrior and Drummers' vehicle. An Imperator attacks Max but is then killed.