The Splendid Angharad
The Splendid Angharad is one of Immortan Joe's five wives. She is pregnant.
During the events of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Imperator Furiosa sneaks Angharad, Toast the Knowing, Capable, The Dag, and Cheedo The Fragile into the hold of the War Rig. As they are traveling, Splendid tells Furiosa that they can't breathe in their hiding place and Furiosa tells her to get back to the hiding place.
Furiosa drives into a sandstorm and stops the clean the War Rig. Max Rockatansky carries Nux to where Furiosa is cleaning the sand from the War Rig and sees the wives washing themselves. He tells Angharad to bring him the water hose which he then drinks from and tells The Dag to bring him the bolt cutters. The Dag walks over to Max carrying the bolt cutters and sees Immortan Joe’s forces driving towards them. She struggles to cut the chain and while Max is distracted, Furiosa charges at him and they begin to fight. While they are fighting the wives help Furiosa while Nux helps Max. In the end, Max manages to get a hold of a pistol Furiosa had hidden on the War Rig and threatens Furiosa with it. Nux tells Max that Immortan Joe is going to be grateful to him for bringing back his wives and Max tells him to cut the chains chaining them together. Nux says that he is going to ask Immortan Joe to drive the War Rig and Max takes his jacket back from Nux. Angharad says that they are going to the Green Place and starts walking towards the War Rig and Max punches Nux in the gut and then shoots towards Angharad and nicks her leg with a round. He gets into the War Rig and starts to drive off.
Furiosa tells the wives to pick up anything they can and follow her as they run after the War Rig. As Max is driving the War Rig it starts to stall. Furiosa runs up to Max and tells him that she installed kill switches inside the War Rig. He tells her that she can come, but only her and when Furiosa says that her and the wives go together, he threatens to wait for Immortan Joe. She tries to reason with Max and manages to convince him when she offers to help him remove the metal muzzle from his face. Max collects the rest of the weapons Furiosa had hidden and as Furiosa starts to drive towards a cliff opening, Max tells her to drive around, but Furiosa points out that The People Eater and his Gas Town War Boys are heading their way from another direction. Angharad and Capable use binoculars and a spyglass and see that The People Eater’s forces consist of big rigs, polecats and flamers. The vehicle starts to stutter and Furiosa says the fuel pod may be causing it to drag and Max goes to investigate. Nux, who managed to sneak onto the War Rig, uses the secret compartment to climb into the semi and starts to choke Furiosa with a chain, but the wives help Furiosa and Furiosa pulls out a stick shift knob dagger and puts it to Nux’s throat. Furiosa is about to kill Nux, but Angharad stops her. Max gets back to the cab and tells Furiosa that another group is following them and Furiosa says it is The Bullet Farmer and the Bullet Boys. The wives throw Nux out of the vehicle after telling him that he has been fooled by Immortan Joe.
Furiosa drives into a series of canyons and Furiosa tells Max and the wives that she made a deal for safe passage. She tells the wives to get back into the hold of the trailer and tells Max when she yells, then he is to drive the War Rig away and shows him how to disengage the kill switch. The War Rig comes to a stop and Furiosa gets out and yells out that she has the three thousand gallons of gasoline as promised. A group of Rock Riders and The Rock Rider Chief appear on a cliff and The Rock Rider Chief yells at Furiosa about the large war parties chasing after her. Immortan Joe and his war party start to enter the canyons and Furiosa yells out for Max to start driving. The Rock Riders start attacking the War Rig and detonate bombs that cause a large rockslide blocking Immortan Joe's war party. Furiosa climbs back into the War Rig and the Rock Riders continue to attack the War Rig. Furiosa hands a rifle to Angharad and tells her to reload it, but Angharad doesn't know how to, and Toast takes the rifle and reloads it. The Rock Rider Chief lands on the War Rig on his dirt bike and yells at Furiosa that they had a deal and starts to shoot at Furiosa, but Max shoots him dead. A Rock Rider with a large bundle of dynamite is shot and the dynamite rolls under the War Rig and detonates, causing the fuel pod to detach and explode and the remaining Rock Riders stop chasing the War Rig.
Immortan Joe catches up with the War Rig and Angharad opens the door and leans out of the War Rig and Furiosa shoots at Immortan Joe, but an Imperator leans in front of Immortan Joe and is shot in the back and falls off of Immortan Joe's vehicle. Max and Furiosa kill the remaining Imperator on Immortan Joe's vehicle. Rictus fires a harpoon at the War Rig which catches the steering wheel and pulls it away. Angharad uses bolt cutters to cut the chain attached to the harpoon but falls to the ground when she is trying to get back into the War Rig. Immortan Joe crashes his vehicle trying to avoid running Angharad over but fails.